
 0    21 kartičky    michalesq
Vytisknout hrát zkontrolovat se
otázka - odpověď -
check if packages coming from outside repo are allowed in inside repo
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What is the input in. repo saying about certificate?
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show enabled repos in the system
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yum repolist
hows all repos in the system
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yum repolist all
How to add repo automatically?
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yum-config-manager --add-repo=http://URL to repo
How to disable repo?
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enabled = 0 // yum-config-manager --disable <repoId>
How to perform obtaining GPG key and installation in the system?
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Go to the site where GPGs are available, i.e. Fedora, download gpg-key and put it in /etc/pki/rpm-gpg, copy to /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/nazwa_gpg, add gpgcheck=1, add pgpkey=file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/nazwa_gpg
Displays info about Kernel?
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uname -r
Info about installed kernel and what can be downloaded
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yum list kernel
Update kernel automatically
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yum update kernel
update kernel from. rpm:
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1) yumdownloader kernel, 2) yum install linux-firmware, 3) rpm -ivh new_kernel. rpm
How to boot system with different kernel?
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grub2-set-default 1
Replace word hello with word world with sed command
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sed -i 's/hello/world/' file. txt
Replace every occurrence of Nick with John in report. txt
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sed 's/Nick|nick/John/g' report. txt
Add 8 spaces to the left of a text for pretty printing.
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sed 's/^/ /' file. txt >file_new. txt
Display only one paragraph, starting with "Of course" and ending in "attention you pay"
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sed -n '/Of course/,/attention you \ pay/p' myfile
Show only lines 12-18 of file. txt
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sed -n 12,18p file. txt
Show all of file. txt except for lines from 12 to 18
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sed 12,18d file. txt
Double-space file. txt
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sed G file. txt
Write all commands in script. sed and execute them
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sed -f script. sed file. txt
Replace ham with cheese in file. txt except in the 5th line
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sed '5! s/ham/cheese/' file. txt

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