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How to add setuid?
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chmod u+s test1
How to add setgid with octo notation?
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chmod 2500 test1
How to add setuid with octo notation?
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chmod 4500 test1
How to secure file from being removed adding sticky bit?
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chmod +t test1
How to secure file from being removed adding sticky bit with octo notation?
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chmod 1777 test1
How to display umaks for the system?
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Mask the write permissions for the "other" users, then touch file2
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umask 002
Mask write access for group members and the write for "other" permissions
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umask 022
Mask read and write permissions for the owner of a file
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umask 600
Mask read/write access for group for non-privileged users and other permissions and make these changes persistent
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vim /etc/bashrc and vim /etc/profile // change first umask to 066 (not privileged users)
What does it mean: if [$UID -gt 199 ] && ["`id -gn`" = "`id -un`" ]
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If the user id > 199 and id for the user and group is equal then user is not privileged, else it is priviledged
How to display manual of the application?
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man passwd
How to display 5th page of the manual?
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man 5 passwd
How to look for the "word" in the documentation
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apropos word
Loading manuals to the cache
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directories contain information about documentation
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locate passwd
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search everything in the system for passwd command
Update information about the program
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How to display full absolute path for the specific program
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which passwd
How to look on manual page descriptions for the program
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whatis passwd
How to show everything about the program
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whereis passwd

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