tengo derecho

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to achieve / to manage
lograr algo que valga la pena
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to accomplish something worthwhile
¿Lograste cambiar la cita del doctor para el martes?
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Did you manage to change the doctor's appointment for Tuesday?
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to go away
Monna ya se marchó a la escuela
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Monna already left for school
no quiero volver a verte
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I do not want to see you again
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Miguel está en prisión por agresión y hurto
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Miguel is in prison for assault and theft
tengo derecho a decidir
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I have the right to decide
no tiene derecho a nada
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you have no right to anything
por desgracia
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Por desgracia, los médicos no pudieron hacer nada para salvarle la vida.
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Unfortunately, the doctors could not do anything to save his life.
¿puedes traerme?
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you can bring me?
luego voy a tomarme algo al bar de enfrente, te apuntas?
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then I'm going to have a drink at the bar across the street, do you sign up?
te vienes al bar de enfrente?
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are you coming to the bar across the street?
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Aunque está lloviendo, el paisaje está precioso
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Although it is raining, the landscape is beautiful
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to thank
Solo quería agradecerte todo lo que has hecho por nosotros
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I just wanted to thank you for everything you've done for us.
que te vienes?
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what are you coming?
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I quit
vamos a brindar
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let's toast
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let go of me
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deja de decir tonterías
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stop talking nonsense
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to obey
¿Cuál es el primer mandamiento que un pecador debe obedecer?
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What is the first commandment that a sinner must obey?
el tiempo se detiene
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the time stops
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El accidente detuvo la circulación de tráfico por completo.
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The accident brought traffic to a complete stop.
La policía detuvo al criminal tan pronto como lo encontraron.
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The police arrested the criminal as soon as they found him.

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