test 21n

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otázka odpověď
Przysparzać komuś wiele problemów
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give sb a hard time
My children sometimes give me a hard time
Dołącz do sekty religijnej
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Join a religious sect
co cię stworzyło?
začněte se učit
what made you?
What made you angry at her?
być złym na kogoś
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be angry at sb = be angry with sb
Why are you angry at me?
W latach sześćdziesiątych
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in the sixties
what was fashionable in the sixties?
Jako dziecko
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As a child
as a child, I played a lot of sports
W przeciwnym wypadku
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or else
Leave now or else you will be late
rzucić w (aby uderzyc)
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throw at
he threw snowballs at me
rzucić do (zeby ktos zlapal)
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throw to
he threw a ball to me
Ulepić bałwana
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Build a snowman
pozbyc sie czegos
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Get rid of
I need to get rid of my old shoes
Fałszywa broń
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A fake gun
mieć wiarę w kogoś: wierzyc w kogos
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have faith in sb
I have faith in you I know you will succeed
przekroczyć granicę
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cross the border
Illegal immigrants try to cross the border
začněte se učit
he cut his hand and he had eight stitches
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zauwazyc/ Ogłoszenie/ zawiadomienie
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She didn’t notice any changes the notice says that the match is cancelled
Zauważalny, dostrzegalny
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The scar on his forehead is easily noticeable
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She drinks mainly water
Sprzeciwiać się
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Be in opposition to
I m in opposition to the new rule
Zdecydowane działanie
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Decisive action
You need to take a decisive action to solve this problem
Przemycać (kogos/cos)
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smuggling drugs is illegal
według legendy...
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according to the legend...
Odważny, dzielny
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Firefighters are courageous
Rozsądna cena
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Reasonable price
You can buy food at reasonable prices here
klocic sie
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Have an argument
we had an argument yesterday
Wynajmujący (właściciel) miszkanie/ budynek
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Właścicielka mieszkania
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Spokojny, pokojowy
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A peaceful demonstration
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Być entuzjastycznym wobec
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Be enthusiastic about
He’s enthusiastic about football
Osiągnąć pełnoletność
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come of age
You can vote when you come of age
Być w pełni odpowiedzialnym za
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Be fully responsible for
You are holy responsible for your life
Popłynąć w Rejs
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go on a cruise
Last summer, we went on a cruise around the world
Linia brzegowa
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mieć tendencję do
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Tend to
she tends to tell lies
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contradict a statement, contradict arguments
Wykluczać, pomijać
začněte se učit
they excluded me from the group
Pogratulować komuś czegoś
začněte se učit
Congratulate sb on
she congratulated him on his bravery
Chwalić kogoś coś
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Praise sb
The teacher praised the students for working hard
začněte se učit
I admire people who know what they want
Fałszować grając
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Play out of tune
he can’t play the guitar. he plays out
Fałszować śpiewając
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Sing out of tune
I didn’t join the choir because I sing out of tune
Poddać się
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Give in
after fighting for a long time, they eventually gave in
Jakie masz zdanie na temat...?
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what’s your view on?
What’s your view on working abroad?
Stanowczo sprzeciwiać się
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firmly object to
I firmly object to any changes
Leczyć kogoś na
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Treat sb for
He was treated for pneumonia
Zapalenie płuc
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Zakochać się po uszy
začněte se učit
fall in love head over heels

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