test 26n

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Put sb up
we always put up our guests who live far from us
Móc mieć pozwolenie na
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Be allowed to
you aren’t allowed to smoke here
Po zmroku
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After dark
I am not allowed to go out after dark
Upewnij się, że
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Make sure that
make sure that the door is locked
Być w tarapatach
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Be in trouble
if you misbehave you will be in trouble
Nie mam zielonego pojęcia
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I haven’t got the faintest idea
I haven’t got the faintest idea where she is
Wrzeć w temperaturze
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Boil at
water boils at 100 C
Sprawdzić nowe słowo numer telefonu
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Look sth up
if you don’t know the word look it up in a dictionary
Strzelić gola
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Score goal
He scored a goal
to wbrew zasadom
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It’s against the rules
touching a ball with your hands is against the rules
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This is a costly painting
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This ring is worthless. It’s made of metal.
Potężny, silny, wpływowy
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A powerful engine, a powerful person
Bezsilny, bezradny
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there was nothing he could do he felt so powerless
Gadatliwy, rozmowny
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she is very talkative. she talks nonstop
Zadawać pytania osobiste
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Ask personal questions
I hate being asked personal questions
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it was a minor offence. I can’t ignore such offense.
Być urażonym
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Be offended
I was offended when he called me a fool
poczuć się urażonym
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I feel offended
I felt offended when he didn’t say hello to me
Bez obrazy
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No offence
Nie ma sprawy nie obraziłam się
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none taken
Obraźliwy Chamski
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his comments were offensive
Ukłonić się poznać głowa
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The actors bowed to the audience
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my neighbour is a very quarrelsome person
pojęcie Pomysł pogląd
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They don’t have a notion about business
Zostać zaakceptowanym spotkać się z aprobatą
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meet with sb’s acceptance
The plan met with all the members’ acceptance
być źle ustawionym ułożonym
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Be in a wrong arrangement
The books are in the wrong arrangement
Zorganizować planować/ układać
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It’s time to arrange a meeting. We need to arrange the tables.
Plan ustawienie ułożenie
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we need to change the arrangement of the chairs in this classroom. We had to change our arrangements because we had some problems.
dowcipny, żartobliwy
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humorous situation, humorous story
żywa dyskusja
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Lively debate
There was a lively debate about happiness in life
Dojść do porozumienia
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Reach an agreement
we reached an agreement. What to do next.
Schwytać przechwycić
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they captured the shoplifter. We captured confidential data.
Strzec się czegoś uważać na
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Beware of
beware of the dog beware of the pickpockets
Uliczny handlarz
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Street peddler
Nie chciałem cię urazić
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I didn’t mean to offend you
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It’s hard to determine the reason for his behaviour. It’s time to determine the date of the meeting
Przywiązywać wagę do
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Make much of
Don’t make much of what he said
Typowe charakterystyczny dla
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Typical of
It’s typical of him to laugh all the time
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Zwyczajny, przecietny
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ordinary people. an ordinary day at work
Niespodziewanie, nagle
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Out of the blue
he appeared out of the blue
Popełnić przestępstwo
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Commit a crime
what crime did he commit?
mieć Zamiar
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Be about to
he was about to leave the house when his mobile rang
I wykonać obowiązek realizować plan spełniać wolę testament wykonać egzekucję
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The criminal was executed. Execute the plan
Dobiec końca, skonczyc sie
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Come to an end
all bad things come to an end. The war will come to an end soon.
Zwracać uwagę na
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Pay attention to
you must pay attention to what I say
Pilnuj swojego nosa
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Mind your own business

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