test 37n

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otázka odpověď
Nauczyć się języka, podłapać
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pick up
It’s easier to pick up English when you watch English films
mówić płynnie po angielsku, biegle
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speak English fluently
Nic dziwnego, ze
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No wonder
No wonder she didn’t tell you about her idea. You always criticise her.
mieć stałe zatrudnienie
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have a steady employment
Wykonywac dorywcze prace
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Do odd jobs
he doesn’t have a steady employment. He does odd jobs.
Stawiać kogoś coś na pierwszym miejscu
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put sb/sth first
she puts her family first
Mając coś na uwadze, z zamiarem
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With a view to + ing
she saves up money with a view to buying a car
z samego rana
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First thing in the morning
We’ll talk about it first thing in the morning
Obejść się bez czegoś
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do without sth
I can’t do without coffee / can you do without your mobile?
W międzyczasie
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In the meantime
I will cook. In the meantime, you can clean the house.
zastepywac kogoś w pracy
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stand in for sb
today our biology teacher will stand in for the chemistry teacher
Przestrzec kogoś przed
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warn sb against
she warned me against pickpockets in the capital city
Droczyć się dokuczyć komuś drażnić zwierzęta
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stop teasing the cat!
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By the time
by the time the film finishes, we will eat all the crisps
Duzy wybór czegos
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A good selection of
The shop has a good selection of goods
Ciekawy, zaciekawiony
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i’m curious how they built houses in the past
Ciekawość zaciekawienie
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Curiosity about
your curiosity will get you into trouble
pasza dla?, pożywka dla
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fodder for
The gossip is fodder for tabloids
prasa brukowa
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gutter press
gutter press is about gossips
Osoba podejrzana o coś
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He’s a suspect in the murder case
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did you find anything suspicious? He looks suspicious.
Śmiertelna choroba
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Deadly disease
flu can be a deadly disease
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measles is a contagious disease
ponieść straty
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incur losses
they incurred losses because of the pandemic
Nie ma sensu robić czegoś
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It’s pointless to do sth
It’s pointless to ask him for help. he will refuse
Usunac zdejmowac wieczko
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Remove the lid
first remove the lead from the tin of paint
Oddanie, poswiecenie sie czemus
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Devotion to
He’s devotion to his work is worrying
Zasługiwac na szacunek
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Deserve respect
Good people deserve respect
Wrogi nieprzyjazny
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some shop assistants are hostile towards customers
Wrogość wobec
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Hostility towards
they show hostility towards new members
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try to be more realistic/the portrait is not very realistic
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The idea is unworkable
klapa, fiasko
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The party was a flop
Niska frekwencja
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Poor attendance
The concert was cancelled due to poor attendance
Park rozrywki
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Amusement park
W pełni dojść do siebie po odniesionych ran nach
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fully recover from wounds
przymknąć oko na cos
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turn a blind eye to
Our teacher never turns a blind eye to any small mistakes
Zniechęcać kogoś
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put sb off
The smell of the soup put me off. I didn’t eat it.
Najbliższy krewny, bliscy krewni
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Next of kin
my next of kin live in the nearby city
obchody rocznicy ślubu
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wedding anniversary celebrations
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Gain weight
you will gain weight if you eat too many sweets
Być przemoknietym do suchej nitki
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Be wet through
I didn’t take my umbrella and I was wet through
ulewny deszcz
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Pouring rain
they were walking in pouring rain
Przestrzegac zasad
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Observe the rules
you should observe the rules
Powodować stanowić przyczynę
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Account for
The pandemic accounted for financial losses
brać coś na poważnie
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take sth seriously
You should take this exam seriously
być na straconej pozycji
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be in a lost position
Znikąd nie widać pomocy/ pomoc nie nadchodzi
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there is no help in sight
since there is no help in sight You have to do it on your own to the best of your ability

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