Test angielski

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otázka odpověď
park ranger
She is a park ranger at Yellowstone.
začněte se učit
a person whose job is to take care of and protect a national park:
complete/serve an apprenticeship
He’s serving an apprenticeship as a printer.
začněte se učit
odbyć/ odbywać praktyki
references: She has excellent references.
Could I list you as a reference on my application?
začněte se učit
reference v angličtině
osoba udzielająca referencji
The job is open to applicants with over two years' experience in retail.
začněte se učit
handel detaliczny
homemaker (US)
For years she was a homemaker raising three children.
začněte se učit
gospodyni domowa
Men are often expected to be the breadwinner in a family.
začněte se učit
główny żywiciel rodziny
spoilt brat
She's behaving like a spoilt brat.
začněte se učit
zepsuty bachor
give sth in
Have you given that essay in yet?
začněte se učit
take off
Her singing career had just begun to take off.
začněte se učit
odnosić sukces (o karierze)
provide reassurance
They are offering/ providing practical help and reassurance.
začněte se učit
zapewniać otuchę, wsparcie

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