Text 4 - Lady Britons

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otázka odpověď
to slump
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to sit or fall down havily (rozlewać się na krześle, sofie)
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oszałamiający, so great, shocking or surprising that it is difficult to believe
a couch potato
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a person who spends a lot of time sitting and watching television
to snooze
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drzemać, to have a short light sleep, especially during the day and usually not in bed
a seat
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siedzenie, a place where you can sit, for example a chai
a lazybones
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leniwy, used to refer to a lazy person
to equate
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zrównać, to think that something is the same as something else or is as important
a chunk
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kawałek, a fairly large amount of something
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a way of describing or referring to a person watching too much TV
life expectancy
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długość życia,. the number of years that a person is likely to live
to veg
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. to relax by doing something that needs very little effort
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Dobre samopoczucie, general health and happiness
an involvement
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zaangażowanie, the act of taking part in something
to adjust
Adjust your chair to feel comfortable.
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Ustaw swoje krzesło tak, żeby było ci wygodnie.
a poll
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a lifespan
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długość życia
to commission
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do to officially ask somebody to write, make or create something
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winny, feeling ashamed because you have done something that you know is wrong
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Odrętwiały umysł, oglupiajace, very boring
Always have some spare batteries handy.
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Zawsze miej pod ręką zapasowe baterie.
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very busy, full of activity

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