The witcher 2

 0    11 kartičky    kpluszczewicz
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Approaching the airport, you could see the full extent of the island. To some extent it was my fault, though I didn’t mean any harm. I suppose that’s the extent what you’ll give me.
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zakres, stopień
prance around
The real murder is free, he’s further and further away with every hour you spend prancing around in here.
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tańczyć wokół
I don’t claim he was a monk. He was wearing a frock, though.
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start over
If you want to start over, and take it easy this time, get me some food.
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zaczynać od początku
wind up in
How’d she wind up in the Blue Stripes?
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wkraczać, zaciągnąć się
Jak ona znalazła się w Niebieskich pasach?
take a liking
The unit commander took a liking and spare her (not killed)
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upodobać, polubić
Dowódc jednostki polubił ją (spodobała się mu) i oszczędził ją.
During the rioting, 76 non-humans perish, including Geralt of Rivia.
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Podczas zamieszek, 76 nieludzi zginęło, łącznie z Geraltem z Rivii.
Geralt was stabbed in the chest with a pitchfork by a man of whom we know only that his name was Rob and he owed 3 crowns at the local tavern.
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The place of the interment remains unknown.
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pogrzebanie zwłok
Interrogation’s done. Restrain the prisoner.
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powstrzymać kogoś (w wiedźminie jakby „skuć”)
See him dashing long those walls? (About imprisoned witcher).
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