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tylna klapa bagażnika, siedzieć komuś na ogonie začněte se učit
to drive too closely behind the vehicle in front the door or board at the back of a vehicle that can be brought down to put in goods
začněte se učit
zmniejszać prędkość, spowalniać začněte se učit
to reduce the speed that a vehicle is travelling at The car decelerated at the sight of the police car
przekroczenie dozwolonej prędkości začněte se učit
driving faster than is allowed in a particular area: She was fined for speeding last month.
začněte se učit
začněte se učit
one of the orange lights at the front and back of a car that turn on and off repeatedly to warn other drivers of danger The car had its hazard lights flashing. I screeched to a halt and switched on my hazard warning lights
začněte se učit
začněte se učit
speedometer a device in a vehicle that shows how fast the vehicle is moving I looked over at the speedometer and saw it hovering at ninety. The speedometer needle crept to eighty.
podejmować dalsze ryzyko, podwajać wysiłki (aby coś osiągnąć) začněte se učit
to continue to do something in an even more determined way than before Expect to see Fox double down on its marketing efforts to give the movie a big boost. Instead of learning from his mistakes, he's doubling down.
zastazbywać kogoś, pozbywać się kogoś (szczególnie, gdy zrzucamy odpowiedzialność za kogoś na inną osobęwić kogoś začněte se učit
If you pawn off something or someone that you do not want on another person, you persuade the person to accept them The factories produce hugely subsidized rubbish they can't pawn off on anybody but the Russians.
poczucie winy, wyrzuty sumienia začněte se učit
grać ze słuchu; improwizować (podejmować działania bez przygotowania, planu), działać bez planu začněte se učit
Maybe we should play it by ear and see what happens.
przerzutka, dostosować do okoliczności, wyposażyć začněte se učit
Mum, I don't know how to change gears in my bicycle. Miss Pork geared her kitchen with a dishwasher. You can't wear this dress to a funeral - you have to learn how to gear your clothes
začněte se učit
all-terrain vehicle (ATV)
mój kierowca PRZEJECHAŁ na czerwonym świetle začněte se učit
my driver crashed the red lights
začněte se učit
bodywork Someone scratched his car's body.
začněte se učit
začněte se učit
drunkometer A breathalyser is a device which measures the level of alcohol in exhaled air.