otázka |
odpověď |
polityka (zasady dotyczące czegoś) začněte se učit
policy - They have adopted a strict no-smoking policy.
začněte se učit
receipt - Make sure you are given a receipt for everything you buy
instrukcja obsługi, podręcznik začněte se učit
user manual, manual - This is an old manual given to Chinese political police.
začněte se učit
installation - Installation of this cupboard is not too difficult.
znudzony (czymś), mający dosyć začněte se učit
be fed up with - In the end, I just got fed up with his constant complaining.
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engraved - The bracelet was engraved with his name and date of birth.
začněte se učit
paper jam - Paper jams are a potential problem with fax machines.
wsparcie techniczne (pomoc, informacja) začněte se učit
tech support - He gave me a phone number for higher-level tech support.
artykuły gospodarstwa domowego, AGD, sprzęt AGD začněte se učit
home appliances - The home appliances are on the second floor.
začněte se učit
defect - His car was sent back to the factory because of an engine defect.
rekompensata, odszkodowanie začněte se učit
compensation - She received full compensation for a delayed flight.
fundusze, środki pieniężne začněte se učit
funds - The hospital has the funds for the new medical equipment.
začněte se učit
purchase - I prefer purchasing online to going from shop to shop.
začněte se učit
vibrant - He always uses vibrant colours in his paintings.
začněte se učit
quality - This picture is of poor quality.
odzyskany, powtórnie przetworzony, powtórnie wykorzystany začněte se učit
recycled - Offices can easily become more environmentally-friendly by, for example, using recycled paper.
začněte se učit
brand (e.g. product) - Is brand important for you when you buy things?
konkretny, szczegółowy, sprecyzowany začněte se učit
specific - Will you give us any specific task or should we just do whatever we want?
začněte se učit
settings - This was one of the many settings for the game.
waga, ciężar (miara tego, ile coś waży) začněte se učit
weight, weight (a measure of how much something weighs) - What is the weight of this cheese? I want only 40 grams.
začněte se učit
package, parcel - I'm expecting a package in any moment.
regulować, poprawiać, dostosowywać, korygować začněte se učit
adjust - She adjusted the volume of the radio.
zauważać (istnienie czegoś) začněte se učit
notice (existence of something) - I'm glad you noticed that.
blaknąć, płowieć (np. kolor) začněte se učit
fade - The color of my hair has faded, I have to go to the hairdresser.
začněte se učit
button - He inserted the disk and pressed the "play" button.
začněte se učit
to print - I'll print this document for you.
začněte se učit
print job - How to Cancel or Delete a Stuck Print Job in Windows?