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If I had studied harder, I wouldn't be doing a job that I find mundane začněte se učit
monotonous and boring
I find my job really dreary. začněte se učit
synonym of boring and dull Uważam swoją pracę za naprawdę drętwą.
After my divorce I felt forlorn and lonely. začněte se učit
synonym of depressed
Which place did you find the most exhilarating? začněte se učit
means intensely exciting.
Alaska inspired in me an appreciation of nature. začněte se učit
I want to do a conversion course to turn my English degree into a Law degree. začněte se učit
has a similar meaning to transition.
met so many interesting people on my various expeditions. začněte se učit
a long and challenging trip.
I concur. I've just finished my debut novel. začněte se učit
a formal way of saying I agree.
I have just finished my debut novel. začněte se učit
Is it possible to get my stories printed? začněte se učit
wydrukowany (=opublikowany) a synonym of published
You have to give credit where it's due. začněte se učit
należny, przysługujący komuś Musisz przyznać zasługi tam, gdzie są należne.
Bruce Jenner admitted to multiple operations and further operations to correct the earlier ones. začněte se učit
Your employees are undoubtedly highly trained. začněte se učit
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začněte se učit
ukończenie wyższych studiów
a loud insistent voice from somewhere deep in my brain interrupted-there's always a first time for everything. začněte se učit
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The volcanic eruption spewed ash, which was poisonous, all over the village. začněte se učit
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začněte se učit
odgrodzić się od kogoś, odseparować się od kogoś
But my excitement and hopes were dashed when I arrived. začněte se učit
być roztrzaskanym, rozbryzgać się (np. o coś)
začněte se učit
However because of this treatment my entire day was ruined and I was unable to muster up the strength to attend my appointment at the hairdresser's. začněte se učit
zebrać siły (swoje do kupy)
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