Unit 10 glossary

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able to change in order to deal successfully with new situations
potrafiący się przystosować
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Older workers can be just as adaptable as younger ones.
showing no interest or enthusiasm
apatyczny, obojętny
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Too many people are apathetic about politics.
to recognize or welcome the good qualities of sb/sth
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Her colleagues appreciate her honesty and directness.
the way that you think and feel about sb/sth; the way that you behave towards sb/sth that shows how you think and feel
nastawienie, stosunek do czegoś
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We are interested in people’s changing attitudes to work.
expecting to be obeyed by other people and not considering their opinions or feelings
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As a manager she’s competent, but a little autocratic.
to resist the desire to do or have sth that is bad or wrong
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avoid the temptation to
I avoided the temptation to criticize him.
support for an idea from other people
akceptacja, poparcie, zgoda
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She spent months getting buy-in from management for her proposal.
always behaving in the same way or having the same standards, so that people understand what to expect
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be consistent in
We must be consistent in applying the rules.
involving, or done by, several people or groups of people working together
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This has been a collaborative venture involving several organizations.
willingness to work hard and give your energy and time to a job or an activity
oddanie czemuś, zaangażowanie w coś
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commitment to
She has shown a huge amount of commitment to the project.
a strong opinion or belief
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He was motivated by deep religious convictions.
the quality that sb/sth has that makes people believe or trust them
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She worked hard to establish her credibility as a leader.
an attitude of trusting each other that is shared by people within an organization or group
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culture of trust
He aims to build a culture of trust within the team.
difficult enough to make sb feel nervous and not completely confident
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Launching a completely new product is a daunting challenge.
able to make decisions quickly and with confidence
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We need someone decisive and assertive.
made up of parts or people that are very different from each other
zasadniczo odmienny, niejednorodny
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I work with a very disparate group of individuals.
to develop a wider range of products, interests, skills, etc. in order to be more successful or reduce risk
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Farmers are being encouraged to diversify into new crops.
the quality of being able to understand another person’s feelings or experiences
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He seemed to have no empathy with the people working for him.
to succeed in making people accept your authority
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establish authority
It takes time to establish authority over a group of people.
to use power to affect sb/sth
wywrzeć wpływ na kogoś
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exert influence over
She exerted all her influence to get them to reject the proposals.
to develop quickly and be successful
kwitnąć, rozkwitnąć
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Few businesses are flourishing in the present economic climate.
to encourage sth to develop
pielęgnować, rozwijać, wspierać (np. rozwój, współpracę)
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The company aims to foster better relations with the local community.
to produce or create sth
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Dan’s firm leadership has generated a lot of respect.
dealing with people by not becoming involved and by allowing them to make their own decisions
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I generally have a hands-off approach to management.
showing you do not think that you are more important than other people
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Be humble enough to learn from your mistakes.
the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles
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He was known as a man of great integrity.
to gradually make sb feel or think in a particular way
wzbudzić zaufanie (w kimś)
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instil confidence in
Ella’s positive outlook tends to instil confidence in those around her.
to control every aspect and detail of a business, project, etc.
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We do not aim to micromanage; we just make recommendations.
when two or more people regard each other equally highly
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mutual respect
Their attitude was one of mutual respect.
done in an open and obvious way
jawny, wyraźny
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He was very overt in his support for the project.
having or showing strong feelings of enthusiasm for sth or belief in sth
żarliwy, płomienny (np. entuzjazm)
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Tom is passionate about the team’s success.
giving attention and effort to people and to their needs and feelings
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You need to be people-focused in this job.
to notice and thank or praise sb for what they have achieved
uznać/ docenić osiągnięcie
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recognize an achievement
We have team bonuses, but also prizes to recognize individual achievement.
to get back an amount of money that you have spent or lost
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We hope to recoup our initial investment within a year.
to make a feeling about something stronger
wzmacniać poczucie czegoś
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reinforce a sense of
Events like this can reinforce a sense of team spirit.
understanding what your own good and bad qualities are
samoświadomy, samokrytyczny
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I’m self-aware enough to know that public speaking is not my strength.
a feeling of being joined together into one group
poczucie spójności/ jedności
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sense of cohesion
Team-building exercises can help the group develop a sense of cohesion.
a particular quality in sb’s personality
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One of her best traits is her sense of humour.
to stop giving or offering sth to sb
cofnąć, wycofać
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Management threatened to withdraw our privileges.

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