Unit 3_ Doing Want You Can / Companies That Help People _ PB 33 _ AB 29

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otázka odpověď
zbierać pieniądze
začněte se učit
raise money [Many young people around the world raise money for charity groups.]
grupa/organizacja charytatywna
začněte se učit
charity group [Charity groups help people or animals in need.]
w potrzebie
začněte se učit
in need [She helps dogs in need.]
zarabiać pieniądze
začněte se učit
earn money [Libby earns enough money to help children in her community.]
fundacja pomagająca dzieciom chorym na raka
začněte se učit
children's cancer charity [He donates money to children's cancer charity.]
začněte se učit
community [Our school wants to help people in our community.]
sprzedawać coś w internecie
začněte se učit
sell something online [Charles sells his art online.]
ratowanie zwierząt
začněte se učit
animal rescue [He wants to raise money for animal rescue.]
napisać list (+ forma czasu przeszłego)
začněte se učit
write a letter / wrote a letter [Charles wrote a letter to a local animal shelter.]
bezpańskie/bezdomne koty
začněte se učit
stray cats [This charity helps stray cats.]
bezpańskie/bezdomne psy
začněte se učit
stray dogs [We could organise a fundraising event to help stray dogs.]
sąsiedztwo / okolica
začněte se učit
neighbourhood [Let's help elderly people in our neighbourhood!]
schronisko dla zwierząt
začněte se učit
animal shelter [My dog is from an animal shelter.]
wpaść na pomysł (+ forma czasu przeszłego)
začněte se učit
come up with an idea / came up with an idea [He came up with an idea to help stray cats and dogs.]
začněte se učit
homeless [This charity group helps homeless people.]
oferta / zaoferować
začněte se učit
offer [Tandi and Stefan offer tutoring services.]
začněte se učit
tutoring [She offers tutoring services to help homeless people.]
začněte se učit
service [What service can you offer to elderly people?]
začněte se učit
blanket [We are collecting blankets for a local animal shelter.]
przynieść komuś korzyści
začněte se učit
benefit someone [This service benefits homeless people.]
wiedzieć (+ forma czasu przeszłego)
začněte se učit
know / knew (Do you know any charity groups?]
założyć firmę
začněte se učit
start a company [I want to start a company when I grow up.]
začněte se učit
expensive [It's expensive to start your own business.]
pożyczyć coś komuś
začněte se učit
lend something to somebody [Kiva finds people who can lend money to people who want to start a business.]
odnoszący sukcesy
začněte se učit
successful [When Josie's business becomes successful, she'll give the money back to the people who helped her.]
kwota/suma pieniędzy
začněte se učit
amount of money [People can give any amount of money.]
mała ilość
začněte se učit
small amount [You can donate even a small amount of money.]

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