Unit 6 - being fit part 1

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not strong and healthy
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a test to find out how fit you are
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performance test
how much of your body is fat
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body fat ratio
a camp where you do difficult physical training
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boot camp
a race with thing to climb through or jump over
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obstacle race
when doctors cut into someone
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synonym to strong
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how fast something goes
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not being able to stop doing something
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a race across fields
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cross-country race
take part in something that people are doing
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join in
eat a lot of one type of food
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live on
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build up
start, for example a company or organization
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set up
connect something to a piece of equipment
začněte se učit
hook up
avoid doing something
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get out of
začněte se učit
let down
začněte se učit
carry on
not possible to endure something
začněte se učit
have no stomach for
knowingly tell something that is untrue
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lie through your teeth
to give up
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loose heart
to realize or accept something unpleasant
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face the music
to help or assist someone
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give a hand
not a natural ability
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have a head for
to be punished
začněte se učit
get it in the neck

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