Unit 6 glossary

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not planned or arranged in advance
okolicznościowy, doraźny, tymczasowy
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We held an ad-hoc meeting to discuss the problem.
empty, with nothing written or printed on it
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I found myself staring at a blank screen.
to increase a company’s profits
zwiększyć zyski
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boost earnings
The company aims to boost earnings by 18%.
to discuss ideas with other people in order to find out what they think
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bounce ideas around
We sat there bouncing ideas around for a while.
to make a number of people feel excited, angry, or shocked
wywołać poruszenie
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cause a stir
Her resignation caused quite a stir in the company.
to have a successful result
ziścić się, zostać zrealizowanym
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come to fruition
After months of hard work, our plans finally came to fruition.
different from sth or against sth
wbrew (czemuś)
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contrary to
Contrary to expectations, we had fine weather for the conference.
to prevent costs from increasing beyond a certain point
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control costs
We have to do more to control costs.
to reduce the amount of profit made
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cut into the bottom line
Increased costs will inevitably cut into the bottom line.
to make it necessary for people to be exact, accurate, and careful
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demand precision
This kind of task demands precision.
rough and not yet in its final form
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He let me see a draft copy of the speech.
the group of people with the most power or influence, eg. because they have the most knowledge or money
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She is undoubtedly a member of the business elite.
to examine an idea carefully in order to find out more about it
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explore a concept
These concepts will be explored in more detail in Chapter 5.
to fail or be unable to make progress
poddawać się, nie dawać sobie rady, odpaść
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fall by the wayside
The proposals fell by the wayside due to lack of support.
to think about how you can resolve something
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figure out ways
We need to figure out a cheap way of doing this.
to start progressing in the right way again after a mistake or failure
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get back on track
With Liz in charge, the project soon got back on track.
to start happening
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get off the ground
Without funding, our plans will never get off the ground.
to help new ideas to start developing in people’s minds
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get the creative juices flowing
We had a brain-storming session to get the creative juices flowing.
making new discoveries or using new methods
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This piece of research was ground-breaking.
that cannot be changed in any circumstances
niezmienny, ściśle określony
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hard and fast
There are no hard and fast rules for doing this.
to think of good ideas suddenly or by chance
wpadać na pomysły
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hit on ideas
He hit on an idea for a new type of vacuum cleaner.
to tell people that they must achieve certain results
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impose targets
He imposed tough new sales targets on the department.
to make sb angry
wzbudzić gniew
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incur the wrath of
They incurred the wrath of customers by cancelling services.
to make sb feel frightened or threatened
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to intimidate
Successful women sometimes intimidate men.
make sth more organized or successful
nauczyć kogoś porządku
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knock into shape
It shouldn’t take long for her to knock the team into shape.
to think about things that are more advanced or more unusual
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look beyond
We need to look beyond conventional ideas of what a travel company should be.
no longer growing very quickly, and difficult for new companies to enter
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Software today is a mature, multi-billion-dollar industry.
to change into sth completely different
przemienić się w coś, przechodzić metamorfozę
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His company had metamorphosed into a very different organization.
a quality of being mysterious or secret that makes sb/sth seem interesting or attractive
mistyka, aura tajemniczości
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We want to create a sense of mystique about our beauty products.
an opportunity to sell a particular product to a particular group of people
luka rynkowa, nisza
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They spotted a niche in the market.
travelling around from place to place
koczowniczy, nomadyczny
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As a sales rep he lives a rather nomadic life.
no longer used because sth new has been invented
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New technology very quickly becomes obsolete.
to achieve better results than other companies or people you are competing against
przewyższać konkurencję
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outperform the competition
The company has consistently outperformed the competition.
to obtain a patent for sth (the official right to be the only person to make, use, or sell it)
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to patent
He patented a revolutionary air-purifying device.
boring work that involves a lot of writing
papierkowa robota
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pen pushing
I would hate to be stuck in an office doing pen pushing all day.
to continue to discuss or find out more about ideas
rozwijać pomysły
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pursue ideas
A progressive company has to be willing to pursue new ideas.
the place or situation in which sb/sth originally started
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He has never forgotten his roots as a small trader.
to start to experience difficulties
wpadać w problemy, napotykać trudności
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run into problems
We ran into problems with the test phase of the project.
to change so that more importance is given to sth and less to sth else
przenieść nacisk (z czegoś na coś)
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shift the emphasis
We have shifted the emphasis from manufacturing to services.
careful examination of your thoughts and feelings, in order to reach the correct decision or solution
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After much soul-searching, he decided to resign.
only occasionally or at intervals that are not regular
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There had been sporadic outbreaks of violence in the area.
to be prepared for changes before they happen, so that you can act more quickly than other people
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stay ahead of the game
The company has somehow always managed to stay ahead of the game.
to prevent new ideas from being developed or expressed
tłumić kreatywność
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stifle creativity
They hope the new rules will not stifle creativity.
not very sure or confident
niepewny, nieśmiały
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Her English is correct but tentative.
to think about sth in a new or different way
myśleć twórczo, kreatywnie
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think outside the box
Many problems can be solved by thinking outside the box.
to allow people to make mistakes without getting angry or punishing them
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tolerate mistakes
If we don’t tolerate mistakes, we will never develop anything new.
to test or use sth in order to see how good or effective it is
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try out
We tried out some of the new products.
to experience a situation where things change
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undergo change
The company has undergone a major change.
unlike other things or people; very special or unusual
wyjątkowy, jedyny w swoim rodzaju
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We offer a unique blend of technical and interpersonal skills training.
not clear or specific
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He was a bit vague about the details of the ad campaign.
the buying and selling of goods in large quantities by businesses, in order to sell them to customers to make a profit
sprzedaż hurtowa, hurt
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The company has changed its focus from wholesale to retail.

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