Unit 7 glossary

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involving everyone or everything in a company, an industry, etc.
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across the board
The industry needs more investment across the board.
a more general or complete understanding of sth, rather than a view that focuses on a few details
szersza perspektywa, szerszy punkt widzenia, pełny obraz
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the bigger picture
I think it’s important to see the bigger picture here.
starting with or involving the people who have lower positions in an organization
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The company takes a bottom-up approach to change.
influenced or controlled by the main part of an organization, that has power over other parts
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This centrally-driven approach to training does not always take account of specific local needs.
a strong desire to have or achieve sth that is shared by a group of people
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collective aspiration
Our aim is to help the business realize its collective aspiration.
to officially ask sb to write or create sth or to do a task for you
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The consumer survey was commissioned by local tradespeople.
the practice of obeying official rules or requests
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These procedures must be followed to ensure full compliance with the law.
obeying official rules or requests
zgodny (np. z zasadami)
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Some of the bank’s practices were not compliant with the law.
to discuss sth with sb
naradzać się, konferować
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He wanted to confer with his colleagues before reaching a decision.
in a way that is the opposite or reverse of sth
odwrotnie, na odwrót
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You can add the fluid to the powder, or, conversely, the powder to the fluid.
very importantly
decydująco, w rozstrzygający sposób
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Crucially, they offered both a lower price and easier availability.
showing that you respect sb/sth very much and will accept whatever they tell you
pełen szacunku, pełen poważania
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People are no longer so deferential to doctors.
a very clear state of not having enough of sth
wyraźny brak czegoś
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distinct lack of
There was a distinct lack of enthusiasm for the proposals among the workforce.
to be started, influenced, or controlled by sb/sth
kierowany, powodowany, doprowadzony przez kogoś/coś
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be driven by
The changes were being driven by just a few individuals.
the fact that employees take an active part in sth
uczestnictwo / udział pracowników
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employee participation
We look for employee participation in the recruitment process.
covering a large subject area
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The article is written in his usual expansive style.
in an open and direct way, explaining sth clearly so that there can be no doubt about what is meant
wyraźnie, kategorycznie, stanowczo
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The report states explicitly that the computer system was at fault.
to be designed or organized to achieve a particular purpose, or to be suitable for a particular group
mieć na celu zrealizowanie czegoś / być przystosowanym do czegoś
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be geared towards
The programme is geared towards preparing students for the world of work.
shared by, including or typical of a whole group of things; not specific
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‘Men’ is sometimes used as a generic term to mean ‘people’.
considering a whole thing or being to be more than a collection of parts
całościowy, holistyczny
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We want a more holistic approach to work and life.
to introduce a law, rule, tax, etc. and force sb to accept it
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The time limits are imposed on us by factors outside our control.
over a long period of time
na dłuższą metę / w długim okresie
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in the long run
Her idea will save money in the long run.
with things as they actually exist and happen, not with things you might imagine or want to happen
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in the real world
Things rarely go as smoothly as this in the real world.
connected with one particular job only
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He gets plenty of general management training as well as job-specific training.
to help sb/sth to develop and be successful
pielęgnować, czuwać nad czymś
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It’s important to nurture talent.
designed to be suitable for a wide range of situations or needs
uniwersalny (np. plan, metoda) / w rozmiarze uniwersalnym
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There cannot be a one-size-fits-all answer, since every small business is different.
the speed at which sth happens
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Everyone learns at their own pace.
a complete and important change in the way people think about or do sth
zmiana poglądów, zmiana sposobu postępowania
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paradigm shift
His theory led to a paradigm shift in the industry.
the process of controlling the performance of employees, eg. by setting targets for them, providing training and encouraging them to work as well as they can
zarządzanie wydajnością (przede wszystkim pracy)
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performance management
We are trying out some new ideas in performance management.
plans for how you are going to gain the knowledge, skills, and abilities you need to make progress at work
indywidualny plan rozwoju
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personal development plans
The course will help you produce a personal development plan in line with your goals.
to make a determined attempt to do or succeed in sth
włożyć w coś wiele wysiłku
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put effort into
He needs to put more effort into his work.
the area of activity over which sb has authority or responsibility
kompetencja, zakres odpowiedzialności
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Staff recruitment falls within the remit of the division manager.
controlled by yourself
samodzielnie pracujący (bez nadzoru)
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controlled by yourself v angličtině
The training programme is largely self-directed.
an idea or plan for the future that is shared by a group of people
wspólna wizja
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shared vision
The people who founded the company started out with a shared vision.
a situation in which there are too few people who have the skills that are needed by a company, an economy, etc.
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skills deficit
There is a serious skills deficit in the industry.
changes to the way in which sth is organized
zmiana strukturalna
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structural change
We are seeing the effects of major structural change in society.
a business that is owned or controlled by another larger company
jednostka zależna, filia
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She works for an overseas subsidiary of the company.
to feel that sth is within your control and is your responsibility
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take ownership of
We want to encourage employees to take ownership of what they do.
starting with or controlled by the people who have the highest positions in an organization
odgórny, zarządzany odgórnie
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Their approach to management is very traditional and top-down.
performing at the right rate or level, with the most recent information or knowledge
być na bieżąco
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up to speed
It will take time to bring all the staff up to speed with this new system.
a big change that causes a lot of confusion, worry, and problems
przewrót, wstrząs
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Her resignation led to a major upheaval within the company.

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