Unit 8

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people are sheep. TV is the shepherd
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la gente son ovejas. La televisión es el pastor.
prople are brainwashed by tv
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el análisis / study
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el comentarista
speaker/ presenter
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a person who takes part in a contest (n: concurso) or competition
She had once been a contestant in the Miss Universe competition.
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news or commentary to a publication (such as a newspaper) or a radio or television network often from a distant place.
Mardionys is the Gaza Strip correspondent for Mondoweiss, a news and opinion website that covers the Palestinian territories, Israel and U.S.
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el guión
the dialogue: a written text of a play, film, broadcast, talk, etc.
action replay
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Repetición de la acción de momentos importantes
a repeat of an important moment from a sports event shown on television, often more slowly to show the action in detail:
They showed /shoud/ an action replay of the goal /goul/
coverage /cô ve ridch /
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cobertura /cô ve ridch /
the action of reporting of a particular important event ..., a broadcast of an event on a radio or television program while the event is happening.
Television coverage is extremely important for the national lottery.
the cast, casting
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el reparto, casting
The cast is the people who star in a production(actors and actresses). Casting is the process of choosing people to star in a production to choose an actor to play a particular role
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protagonista antagonista
main character
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the most important moments/ events
current affairs /aferz/
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actualidad /aferz/
​events of political or social importance that are happening now which are discussed in newspapers, and on television and radio.
I am ill-informed on current affairs.
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I always opt to watch a film in the original language [LÂN] + [WICH] and read subtitles, rather than watch it dubbed /dobt/ into english
hook on
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very into and interesting
i’m hooked on a series
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maratones de series
watching continuosly
binge-watching every single episode one after the other
character flaw /uk: flo/ / usa:flaa/
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defecto de carácter /uk: flo/ / usa:flaa/
achilles /akalis/ heel el talon de aquiles
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el periodista
news writer/ reporter
pointless point
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punto sin sentido
that’s fair enough
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that’s reasonable/right
live viewing / live streaming
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visualización en vivo/transmisión en vivo
events happening right now
streaming /striming/
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transmisión: refers to any media content – live or recorded – delivered to computers and mobile devices via the internet and played back in real time. Podcasts, webcasts, movies, TV shows and music videos are common forms of streaming content.
broadcasting online (netflix, youtube),
Internet video streaming has not replaced television.
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to send out or transmit (something, such as a program) by means of radio or television or by streaming over the Internet
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burial /berial/
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entierro /sepultura/
v: bury enterrar /beri/
come through /come over
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who’s all there? ok, I’m coming through.
broadcast ˈbroːdkast
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transmision, programa (n) / transmitir (v) via tv or radio
The concert will be broadcast live tomorrow evening.
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transmisión web (n), transmitir via web (v)
a video broadcast of an event transmitted over the internet (n)
services from Hillsong's are webcast once a week (v)
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reality TV, current affairs
I have what it takes to be a succesful TV presenter/host with my own chat show.
The TV ratings
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Los ratings de televisión
By law, films, computer games and certain publications must be classified before being made available to you.
PG (Parental Guidance)
news reporter
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reportero de noticias
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el presentador de los informativos / el presentador de las noticias
a person who reads the news on television or radio
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el redactor
a person who prepares a film, radio or television programme for being shown or broadcast by deciding what to include, and what order it should be in
Rick Shaine is known as an editor and was the editor of Narnia
cameraman /cá mer man/
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camarógrafo /cá mer man/
a person whose profession is operating a video, television, or film camera.
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la revista
a printed or digitally published collection of texts (essays, articles, stories, poems), often illustrated, that is produced at regular intervals (excluding newspapers)
VOGUE /voug/ it’s an example of magazine
journalism /yóurnalisom/
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periodismo /yóurnalisom/
Melisa began a career in journalism but she did not finish.
yellow journalism
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prensa amarillista
"sensational news in newspaper publishing to attract readers and increase circulation". It means that the articles published are not reliable or well-researched
tabloids /tâ bloid/
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tabloides /tâ bloid/
tabloids is a style of journalism that have sensational stories, gossip columns that are printed primarily /prâi me rili/to entertain. rumors about the private lives of celebrities
casting crew /kru:/
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equipo de casting /kru:/
group of people, hired by a production company, for the purpose of producing a film or motion picture
the film crew
prime hours
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horas de máxima audiencia
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the action of filming or photographing a scene, film,
photo shoot
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Sesión de fotos
the highlight
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lo más destacado
I prefer to watch the highlights show
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el análisis
it’s at our fingertips
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está a nuestro alcance
tv programmes /programs/
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programas de televisión /programas/
documentary /do kiu mên ta ri /
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documental /do kiu mên ta ri /
drama / drâ ma/
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drama / drâ ma /
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el heredero/a
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don’t leave nothing to chance
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no dejes nada al azar
dawn on
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caer en la cuenta
I am up to my armpits in nappies and bottlew
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Estoy hasta las axilas en pañales y biberones.
I am very busy
give them a thumb up/ down
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darles un pulgar hacia arriba/abajo
wink/ blink
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wink (on purpose) wink at so: shiw a romantic intention. blink without purpose
eye twitching
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tics oculares
eye tic
childish/ childlike
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infantil / infantil
childish: behaving like a child / childlike: looking like a child look very young
rumour / reputation
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rumor / reputación
rumour: negative meaning. reputation; fame poz meaning
there is a rumout going around that... Rumour has it that Maria is millionaire. It is rumoured that Maria is... is rumoured to+ do Sat / have done
canapé food
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comida canapés
A canapé is a type of hor d'oeuvre (appetizer), usually a small bite served on bread, puff pastry or a cracker. Basically canapés are a specific category of appetizer or hor d'oeuvre.
For all things meat-free and bitesize, try these vegetarian Christmas canapé recipes.
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go off track
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salirse del camino
go in a wrong direction

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