Use of English 2 page 28, 29

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global warming
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a general increase in world temperatures caused by increased amounts of carbon dioxide around the Earth
natural disaster
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a sudden event such as a flood or storm which causes great damage or suffering
take risks
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to do things that involve risks in order to achieve something
run into problems
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to start to experience difficulties
foreign visitors
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someone who comes for a visit from a different country
huge impact
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the strong effect or influence that an event, situation, etc. has on someone or something
local environment.
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the natural features of a place
bring in money.
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to earn or produce an amount of money
provide jobs.
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to give someone a job, because they need it or want it
achieve a goal
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to successfully complete something or get a good result, especially by working hard
mass tourism
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the business of providing large numbers of people who are on holiday in one destination at the same time with places to stay, things to do, etc.
severe damage.
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physical harm that is done to something, so that it is broken or injured
cause (severe) damage to
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to do physical harm to something, so that it is broken or injured
cope with (a problem)
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to succeed in dealing with a difficult problem or situation
think twice
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to think very carefully before deciding to do something, because you know about the dangers or problems
at the first sign of (a problem)
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just as something happens
make a living
začněte se učit
to earn money
on her third attempt
začněte se učit
to manage to do something after two previous failures

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