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According to the article, women are better at multitasking.
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I want an adventure so let’s go travelling together.
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The car was ahead of the bike.
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I can talk to my wife about almost anything.
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Try not to choke on that apple.
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They claim that women use more words than men.
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The map was confusing and we got lost.
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He was very careful not to crash into any buses.
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I don’t think this research is very credible so I don’t trust the findings.
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They want to fit me with a hearing aid.
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Do you think, generally speaking, that women are more talkative than men?
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Have you got any gossip to share?
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We hardly ever go to the cinema any more.
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We don’t eat out much, in fact, we don’t even have takeaways any more.
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I need a training manual on how to bring up children.
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Do you think women can multitask better than men?
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Do you have a permit to park here?
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There is a wide range of products to choose from.
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When do you think you will reach the station?
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They attached a recorder to them to monitor their conversations.
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Laughing can reduce stress.
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Which is the best route to the station?
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I was late so I had to rush to school.
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They are sceptical of the belief that women use three times as many words as men.
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Men only use slightly fewer words than women.
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The stereotype of British people is that they always talk about the weather.
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Men usually stick to one subject for longer when they chat.
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I was stuck in traffic for over an hour this morning.
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We like to get together and swap opinions.
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I like to talk about politics with my friends.
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Anthony is talkative but he doesn’t really listen.
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Women tend to gossip more than men.
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You should turn around because you’re going the wrong way.
zmieniają kolor na czerwony začněte se učit
When the lights turn red you have to stop.
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Women talk about lots of subjects whereas men usually stick to one subject for longer.
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You should leave now because the traffic is getting worse.