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study participants organize topics into gruops that make the most sense to them and create labels (etykiety) for these groups. With this information, designers can create apps that are more intuitive and easy to navigate.
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Participqnts try to complete a task with a product while you observe. This lets you measures how succesful users are at completing a task, how quickly they complete it, what problems they encounter (napotykają), and how satisfied they felt with theprogres
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This tests two versions of product against each other to see which the target audience (grupa docelowa) prefers. This can be done with a live product by showing different versions of a webpage to different visitors or sending mailing twodifferent recipien
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It's a way to get insight into what a user wants from a potencial product or collect qualitative data data regarding an existing product. You can also organize a focus groups.
ankiety i kwestionariusze začněte se učit
surveys and questionnaires You can design a survey or questionnaire to return specific data.
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Target users keep a log of their day-to-day activities over a defined period time. This gives you insight into brhaviors and experiences in the real world.
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Instead of interviewing users in a lab, you can observe them in their natural context - at home or at work maybe - to better understand how and why they do what what they do.
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This type of users testing examines what a target user cliks on first test on a live site.
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podstawowe umiejętności Badacz UX začněte se učit
essential skills UX Researcher - communication skills; empathy; design thinking; problem solving; curiosity; collaboration;
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