Użyteczne wyrażenia

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otázka odpověď
shame on you!
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wstydziłbyś się
that's torn it!
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jesteśmy skończeni
there you are!
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proszę bardzo
If need be
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jeśli będzie to konieczne
Here goes!
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No sweat
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Take your time/no rush
začněte se učit
NIe spiesz się
Spit it out!
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Wyrzuć to z siebie
Don't mention it!
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Nie ma za co
Come what may
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Cokolwiek się zdarzy
Chinese slavery
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Dutch courage
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Pijacka odwaga
German measles
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Indian summer
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Babie lato
Scotch mist
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gęsta mgła
Irish bull
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French leave
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nieusprawiedliwiona nieobecność
Indian file
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Heads or tails
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Orzeł czy reszka
Cross my heart!
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You've got me there!
začněte se učit
Tu mnie masz
How come?
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Jak to? Jak to możliwe?
Hear! Hear!
začněte se učit
Roger that!
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It"s on the house
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Na koszt firmy
Never you mind.
začněte se učit
It can't be helped.
začněte se učit
nic na to nie poradzisz
Hold it!
začněte se učit
Nie ruszaj się
So long!
začněte se učit
Do zobaczenia
Look alive!
začněte se učit
Pracuj szybciej
Step on it!
začněte se učit
Jedź szybciej
Shape up!
začněte se učit
Zachowuj się!
Put it there!
začněte se učit
Na zgodę
Roll up! Roll up!
začněte se učit
Podejdźmy bliżej
to back on your feet
začněte se učit
stanąć na nogi (to return to good financial wealth)
to be paid peanuts
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zarabiać grosze (to have a very low salary)
to burn your finger
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(to suffer financially as a result of foolish behaviour)
to bring home the bacon
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utrzymywać rodzinę (to earn the family living)
cash and carry
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zakup bez dostawy (selling something for cash only with no delivery)
chicken feed
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marne grosze (a small amount of money)
to cook the book
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sfalszować dane finansowe (illegally change information in accounting books in a company)
to feel like a million dollars
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czuć się wspaniale (to feel wonderful)
flat broke
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spłukany (having no money, penniless)
from rags to riches
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od pucybuta do milionera (start off being very poor and become very rich and successful)
to go Dutch
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płacić każdy za siebie (to share the cost of something)
highway robbery - robbery in broad daylight
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rozbój w biały dzień, zdzierstwo (charging a high price for something)
to hit the jackpot
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trafić w dziesiątkę (to become rich and successful suddenly or without expecting to)
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łapówkę (money paid illegally for favourable treatment)
to be loaded
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nadziany (having lots of money)
nest egg
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oszczędności (money someone has saved up)
piggy bank
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Skarbonka (a child's saving bank, a small container for saving coins)
začněte se učit
spłukanie się (spend a lot of money on something)
to strike it rich
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nagle stać się bogatym (to make a lot of money suddenly)
to tighten one's belt
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zacisnąć własnego pasa (to live on less money than usual)
to cut-rate
začněte se učit
sprzedać taniej (to sell for a price lower than usual)

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