verbs followed by -ing

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verb -ing (a... d)
začněte se učit
admit, avoid, consider, denay
She admitted making a mistake. I try to avoid going shopping on Saturdays. We're considering selling the house. Neil denies breaking the window.
zająć się
To start doing an activity as hobby
Ostatnio zająłem się joga
začněte se učit
take up
To start doing an activity as hobby
I've recently take up yoga
verb -ing (e... g)
začněte se učit
enjoy, fancy, finish, give up = stop
I enjoy meeting people and seeing new places. I didn't fancy swimming in that water. Have you finished reading that magazine? I've given up reading newspapers.
verb -ing (i... m)
začněte se učit
imagine, involve, (keep (on))=continue doing, mind
I can't imagine George riding a motorbike. The operation involves putting a small tube into your heart. He keeps trying to distract me. I don't mind having a dog in the house
verb -ing (p... r)
začněte se učit
postpone, practise, put off, risk, stop
prep. followed by - ing
začněte se učit
about, at, for, in, instead of, in spite of, of, with
prep. followed by -ing (special)
začněte se učit
before, after, by, without
before, after (both options possible)
You can improve your English by reading more. We run ten km without stoping

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