Verbs part one

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Nacisk, podkreślenie
začněte se učit
the particular importance or attention that is given to something:
Tokyo puts emphasis on energy security and independence from imports.
dryfować, zjeżdżać
začněte se učit
to move slowly, especially as a result of outside forces, with no control over direction:
I suddenly felt like my life drifts in front my eyes.
začněte se učit
of people, things, places, etc.) to pull or draw someone or something towards them, by the qualities they have, especially good ones
Your relationship habits can attract or repel people.
zeznawać przeciwko komuś(świadczyć)
začněte se učit
testify against sb
You testify, you get five years probation(w zawieszeniu)
skonfigurować, założyć
začněte se učit
set up
to formally establish a new company, organization, system, way of working, etc.:
Use PayPal to conveniently set up your recurring subscription payments.
zniechęcać, zachęcać
začněte se učit
discourage, encourage
to make someone feel less confident, enthusiastic, and positive about something, or less willing to do something:
This curtain is meant to discourage you from spooning with me.(przytulania)
zamierzać, planować
začněte se učit
intend to
to have as a plan or purpose
I don't Intend to cause trouble ever again.
odnosi się do, nawiązywać do
začněte se učit
refers to
to talk or write about someone or something, especially in only a few words
Mandala which appears in logo refers to creating harmony.
pojawiają się, pojawiają się
začněte se učit
appear, turn up
to start to be seen or to be present
These advertisements may appear on other websites or services. But I might turn up shot in the head any time now.
wskazywać na coś, zwracać na cos uwagę
začněte se učit
point sth out
to make a person notice someone or something, sometimes by holding up one of your fingers towards him, her, or it:
Let me just point out one thing.
začněte se učit
to think that something is likely to be true
I suppose you are busy.
začněte se učit
to know about something before it happens
I don't foresee any difficulties so long as we keep within budget.
začněte se učit
to assure
to tell someone confidently that something is true, especially so that they do not worry
The prime minister assured the electorate taxes would not be increased after the election.
Zaangażowany w
začněte se učit
Involved to/Engaged in
to take part in something:
This approach seems to be fair for both parties involved to the project.
začněte se učit
to demand/require
to ask for something forcefully, in a way that shows that you do not expect to be refused
He has always demanded the highest standards of behaviour from his children. The council said the think abortion should bd avaible on demand
miałem, powinienem
začněte se učit
Supposed to
To have a duty or be responsible for sth
Baby, How I supposed to know...
wdrapywać się
začněte se učit
skończyć się, zużyć się
začněte se učit
run out of
to finish, use, or sell all of something, so that there is none left If a supply of something runs out, all of it has been used or it is comp
My patience is beginning to run out.
przyspieszać (zwalniać)
začněte se učit
When a vehicle or its driver accelerates, the speed of the vehicle increases
I accelerated to overtake the bus
začněte se učit
talk through
to discuss all the details of something, often before making a decision
It is very important to try and talk all the issues through so that they can be dealt with in an appropriate manner(odpowiedni sposób)
potknął się
začněte se učit
to step awkwardly while walking or running and fall or begin to fall make a mistake, or to pause unexpectedly when speakingthe sand
Running along the beach, she stumbled on a log and fell on to
začněte se učit
to deal with something
I'm not sure how to approach the problem.
začněte se učit
physical or mental activity needed to achieve something
In their efforts to reduce crime the government expanded the police force(rozszerzyć)
ustąp pierwszeństwa przejazdu
začněte se učit
give way
to allow other vehicles to go past before you move onto a road
You have to give way to traffic coming from the right
roztrzaskać się
začněte se učit
to (cause something to) break suddenly into very small pieces
The glass shattered into a thousand tiny pieces
začněte se učit
the power to have an effect on people or things, or a person or thing that is able to do this
At the time she was under the influence of her father
začněte se učit
to need to pay or give something to someone because they have lent money to you, or in exchange for something they have done for you
I owe you a drink for helping me move.
začněte se učit
spread - spread - spread
to cover or reach a wider or increasing area, or to make something do this
Without this ability, the parasite cannot spread.(pasożyt)
zdziwić, zdziwienie, zdzwiony
začněte se učit
astonish, astonishment, astonished
to surprise someone very much
Women never, never cease to astonish me. I was astonished by how much she'd grown.(amazes)
jakac się
začněte se učit
to speak or say something, especially the first part of a word, with difficulty, for example pausing before it or repeating it several times:
začněte se učit
To enter a country by force with large numbers of soldiers in order to take possesion of it
Besides, you have enough firepower here to invade Russia.
Poświęcić coś
začněte se učit
Sacrifice sth
to give up sth that is valuable to you in order to help another person
Many womens sacrifice careers for their families.
przyczynić się
Antybiotyki nie są niezbędne i mogą przyczynić się do choroby
začněte se učit
to give something, especially money, in order to provide or achieve something together with other people
Antibiotics arent neccesary and may contribute to ill.
Spowodować, doprowadzić, przynieść
začněte se učit
Bring about
to cause sth to happen
He brought about his company's collapse by his reckless spending.
začněte se učit
to get sth that is useful.
The mayor has gained a lot of support from teacher's union.
z powodu
začněte se učit
due to
because of
The series was cancelled due to poor ratings.
začněte se učit
to give a particular job or piece of work to someone
The case has been assigned to our most senior officer.
rozpoznać, rozpoznawalny
začněte se učit
recognize, recognizable
to know someone or something because you have seen or heard him or her or experienced it before
I hadn't seen her for 20 years, but I recognized her immediately.
začněte se učit
to judge or decide the amount, value, quality, or importance of something
They assessed the cost of the flood damage at £2,500.
ofiary wypadku
začněte se učit
a person injured or killed in a serious accident or war:
Fortunately, the accident ended up without casualties
začněte se učit
začněte se učit
to go on/carry on
to happen, to continue
I'm sure we never hear about a lot of what goes on in government. Let's carry on this discussion at some other time.
začněte se učit
to leave a place, thing, or person, usually for ever
As a baby he was abandoned by his mother.

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