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Thà (tôi thà cô đơn còn hơn cưới cô ấy(
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Would rather (I'd rather be alone than marry her)
Tôi nghĩ bản thân tôi là một người dễ thương
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I think of myself as a cute person
Trở nên quen với (ghi 2 cách)
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Become familiar with (sth)/ get used to + v_ing/noun
quen với cái gì đó rồi (ghi 2 cách)
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Be familiar with (sth)/ be used to + v_ing/noun
đáng nhẽ ra (tôi đáng nhẽ ra phải đi ngủ bây giờ)
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be supposed to (+ v_inf)
hoàn toàn (tôi hoàn toàn yêu em)
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altogether (I love you altogether)
nghỉ một ngày
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take a day off (you should take a day off)
đánh giá cao
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(to) appreciate (i appreciate your presentation)
hầu hết
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như là
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such (that's such a good film)
dường như
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(to) seem (i seem to be scared)
để nó lại
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left it (there is a cat on the road, it's seem someone has left it)
xấu hổ
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shame (it's a shame that the event had to be cancelled)
gần đó
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nearby (i noticed my wife is standing nearby)
tương tự
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similarly (cars must stop at red traffic lights, similarly bicycels have to stop too)
sức hút
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attraction (life in Hue has so many attractions - nightclubs, good restaurant, and so on)
cơ hội
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opportunity (The opportunity to travel is one of the main attractions of this job.)
thoát khỏi (từ bỏ)
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get rid of (i can't wait to get rid of that ugly men)
hài lòng
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satisfied (i'm very satisfied with her reaction)
ứng xử
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behave (she always behaves well with poor people)
cho mượn
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(to) lend (i lend her a book)
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(to) borrow (i borrow him with some milk)
začněte se učit
vomit (i vomit when she do that)
làm xong gì đó rồi
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be done (with) (i'm done with my homework)
nhiều hơn (hiểu biết)
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way more (much more) (i know she's way more talented than that)
đã đang và sẽ luôn vậy
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always have been and always will be (- you are a good teacher - yes, always have been and always will be)
mọi việc với bạn thế nào (chào hỏi)
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how are things with you
sắp gì đó
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be about to something (i'm about to sleep)
tùy mi
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it's up to you
chịu đựng
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bear (i can bear any pain as long as it's has meaning)
trong khi đó/ trong lúc ấy
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