Vocabulario de hoteles

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otázka odpověď
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dining area
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living room
menu de hoy
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today's menu
la sauna
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the sauna
caja fuerte
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guarda maletas
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keep suitcases
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la hora del desayuno
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breakfast time
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bed sheets
cuanto cuesta eso?
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how much does that cost?
cuando hizo la reserva?
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when did you make the reservation?
la habitacion es la...
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the room is the...
me podria dar su...
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could you give me your...
tienen una reserva?
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do you have a reservation?
začněte se učit
cuando hizo la reserva?
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when did you make the reservation?
usted ha de pagar por adelantado
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you have to pay in advance
este daño no lo cubre la garantia
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this damage is not covered by the warranty
la entrada del parking esta a dos manzanas
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the parking entrance is two blocks away
hace mal tiempo
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it's bad weather
va a llover bastante
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it's going to rain a lot
esta incluido el desayuno y la cena
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this includes breakfast and dinner
el gimnasio esta arriba
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the gym is up
la sauna esta en el solarium
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the sauna is in the solarium
habitacion con vistas al mar.
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room with sea view.
hay espectaculo y discoteca
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there is a show and disco
usted ha de reclamar al aeropuerto
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you have to claim to the airport
usted ha de pedir certificado
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you have to ask for a certificate
por esta plaza pasan muchos taxis
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many taxis pass through this square
quiero reservar una mesa
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I want to reserve a table
si no paga se lo llevara la grua
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if you do not pay the crane will take it
necesito una dieta especial es posible
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I need a special diet is possible
tengo un coche grande
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I have a big car
yo he regresado
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I have returned
las rayadas son dificiles de quitar
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the scratches are difficult to remove
venden una crema
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they sell a cream
pero no lo quita todo
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but it does not take away everything
puedo intentar cobrar por telefono
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I can try to charge by phone
necesito dar los datos de su tarjeta
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I need to give your card details
no tengo factura solo numero de autorizacion
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I do not have an invoice only authorization number
la linea telefonica no funciona
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the telephone line does not work
gira a la derecha y sube dos manzanas
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turn right and go up two blocks
puede cobrar aqui
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you can charge here
en el ultimo pais de la comunidad europea
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in the last country of the European community
vaya usted todo recto
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go straight
puedes enviarme un email
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can you send me an email
pienso que no tardara en venir
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I think he will come soon
ella no ha llegado todavia
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She has not arrived yet
soy la dependienta
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I'm the salesgirl
para que lo necesitas?
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What do you need it for?
¿para cuando lo necesitas?
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when you need it for?
no hemos aumentado el precio
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we have not increased the price
no tengo un recibo
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I do not have a receipt
la feria del movil
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the mobile fair
la maleta no rueda bien
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the suitcase does not roll well
Quiero asegurar la moto
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I want to insure the motorcycle
quiero una maleta con extensible
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I want a suitcase with extendable
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Las ruedas estan sucias
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the wheels are dirty
el lavabo esta roto
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the sink is broken
esta denegada
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is denied
tarjeta ajena al servicio
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card outside the service
estoy enfermo
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I'm sick
a cuanta distancia esta el pueblo?
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How far is the town?
va a haber tormenta
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there's going to be a storm
esta empezando a nevar
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It's starting to snow
hay peligro de desprendimientos en la carretera
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there is danger of landslides on the road
la carretera es muy estrecha
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the road is very narrow
Que deportes podemos practicar?
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What sports can we practice?
Hay algun parque de atracciones por aqui?
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Is there an amusement park around here?
Hizo un tiempo horrible
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The weather was awful
La habitación era muy ruidosa
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The room was terribly noisy
¡Que pena!
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That is a pity!
Los huespedes
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The guests
¿Y que tal la comida?
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And how about the food?
es una marca nueva
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It is a new brand
¿tiene la garantia?
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Do you have the warantee?
¿Que material esta buscando?
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What material are you looking for?
Este es muy elegante
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This one is very elegant
Salida de emergencias
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Emergency exit
La entrada principal
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The main entrance
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sala de juegos y casino
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game room and casino
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una reclamacion
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a claim
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začněte se učit
aparca coches
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park cars
camarera de pisos
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začněte se učit
secador de pelo
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hair dryer
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začněte se učit
začněte se učit
začněte se učit
začněte se učit
začněte se učit
soap holder
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začněte se učit
dejar una paga y señal
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leave a pay and signal
¿Quedan habitaciones libres?
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Are there free rooms?
¿Cual es el precio por noche?
začněte se učit
What is the price per night?
¿Puede darme la llave de la...
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Can you give me the key to the...
Quiero dejar un mensaje para el Señor...
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I want to leave a message for the Lord...
¿Hay algun recado para mi?
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Is there a message for me?
El hotel tiene hermosas vistas
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The hotel has beautiful views
Deseo que recojan una camisa
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I want you to pick up a shirt
Para lavar y planchar
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To wash and iron
¿Donde puedo aparcar el coche?
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Where can I park the car?
Tengo el equipaje en el maletero
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I have the luggage in the trunk
Nos marcharemos mañana
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We will leave tomorrow
Es posible quedarse otra noche?
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Is it possible to stay another night?
Me puede enseñar el camino a la ...?
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Can you show me the way to ...?
Puedo revisar mi correo electronico?
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Can I check my email?
Quiero una mesa para cuatro
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I want a table for four
Puede mandarme un mensaje?
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Can you text me a message?
Hay conexion inhalambrica?
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Is there a wireless connection?
Puede despertarme a las nueve?
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Can you wake me up at nine?
Cuanto cuesta por noche?
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How much is it per night?
Puedo dejar esto en la caja fuerte?
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Can I leave this in the safe?
El desayuno esta incluido?
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Breakfast is included?
Hay menu vegetariano o infantil
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There is a vegetarian or child menu
A que hora empieza el espectaculo?
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What time does the show start?
Adaptador de enchufe
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plug adapter
Una mesa en la zona de no fumadores,
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a table in the non-smoking area,
A que hora cierra el mostrador de facturacion?
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what time does the check-in counter close?
Cuanto cuesta la pension completa?
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how much does the full pension cost?
cuanto cuesta la media pension?
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how much does the average pension cost?
Hay acceso para silla de ruedas?
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is there wheelchair access?

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