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śledztwo, zapytanie, dochodzenie
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niedostatek; także: scarcity
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osoba wkraczająca na teren prywatny
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wydawać kogoś [przed kimś]; wyjawić czyjś sekret; wydawać za mąż
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to have a stake in something začněte se učit
if you have a stake in something, you will get advantages if it is successful, and you feel that you have an important connection with it Young people don’t feel they have a stake in the country’s future.
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wprowadzać, dodać; zabarwić; zaparzać
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rzucić okiem (= to have a look at)
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rozkazywać; to order sb about
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wydobrzeć; to pull through
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być stworzonym do; be suitable
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przypisywać; to put down to Everybody put Mr Spark's success down to his extraordinary cleverness.
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znaleźć coś przypadkowo; to run into sth
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spowodować; to bring about
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zacząć od pracy; to set about
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wyjaśnić; to get sth across
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niechlubny, kompromitujący; discreditable
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namiętny, gorliwy; zealous
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proud and pleasant with oneself začněte se učit
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solidny, znaczny; substantial
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obstawać, upierać się, nalegać
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jak nowy, w doskonałym stanie, zdrów jak ryba
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deserving praise and respect It is to his credit that he's willing to admit he has a problem.
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If something baffles you, you cannot understand it or explain it.
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to do a good turn to sb with sth začněte se učit
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stracić zaufanie do kogoś
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Communities afflicted with acute destitution are additionally confronted with illiteracy, life in appalling conditions and infectious diseases decimating the indigenous populations. začněte se učit
Communities afflicted with acute destitution are additionally confronted with illiteracy, life in appalling conditions and infectious diseases decimating the indigenous populations. začněte se učit
Communities afflicted with acute destitution are additionally confronted with illiteracy, life in appalling conditions and infectious diseases decimating the indigenous populations. začněte se učit
Communities afflicted with acute destitution are additionally confronted with illiteracy, life in appalling conditions and infectious diseases decimating the indigenous populations. začněte se učit
Communities afflicted with acute destitution are additionally confronted with illiteracy, life in appalling conditions and infectious diseases decimating the indigenous populations. začněte se učit
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If you give him more money, he will certainly find it of use. začněte se učit
znaleźć coś, czego można użyć
to be deprived of freedom začněte se učit
to cause sb's embarrassment or difficulty by forcing them at that moment to answer a difficult question or make an important decision začněte se učit
wprawić kogoś w zakłopotanie trudnym pytaniem
The patient's condition is gradually improving. začněte se učit
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ignorować; not take a notice of sb
to congratulate on making a big headway The student was congratulated on making a big headway. začněte se učit
pogratulować dokonania wielkiego postępu
Sarah doesn't think much of the book. začněte se učit
Sarah has a low opinion of the book.
not to be on speaking terms začněte se učit
nie rozmawiać ze sobą (gniewać się) If you are not on speaking terms with someone, you refuse to speak to them because you are angry with them:
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ogólnie mówiąc; on the whole
They said the operation had been successful and they expected his wife to pull through. začněte se učit
wyzdrowieć; to become well again after a serious illness, especially when you might have died
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take something in good part začněte se učit
to not be offended or upset by a joke or criticism
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ryzykować czyjś kark (?); put one's life in danger
The refugees fell prey to criminal gangs. začněte se učit
paść ofiarą; to be attacked, cheated, or harmed by someone bad
I'm all fingers and thumbs today. That's the second plate I've dropped this morning. začněte se učit
mieć dwie lewe ręce; to move your hands in an awkward way
on the brink/verge of extinction The white rhinoceros is on the brink of extinction. začněte se učit
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to look elegant (usually referring to a male); to cause people to admire you because of your appearance The young soldier cut a fine figure in his new uniform.
The factory churns out thousands of pairs of these shoes every week. She churns out a new best-selling novel every year. začněte se učit
wypuszczać masowo jakiś badziew; to produce large amounts of something quickly, usually something of low quality:
Hardly ever do we realize how much effluent gets discharged (odprowadzać) into water. začněte se učit
Patients were discharged from the hospital because the beds were needed by other people. More than half of all prisoners discharged are reconvicted within two years. začněte se učit
opuszczenie; to allow someone officially to leave somewhere, especially a hospital or a law court: A peace protester was conditionally discharged for twelve months (= allowed to go free only if they do not commit a crime again for this period of time).
The ozone layer is being depleted due to the greenhouse effect. začněte se učit
Warstwa ozonowa jest wyczerpana ze względu na efekt cieplarniany.
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wymigać się; to avoid doing something that you should do or that you said you would do I said I’d meet him, but now I want to get out of it. Ruth always tries to get out of doing the washing up.
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He sized up the situation and immediately decided what to do. začněte se učit
oceniać wielkość; to think carefully and form an opinion about a person or a situation
I’m not sure how much of his explanation she took in. začněte se učit
to understand and remember something that you hear or read
She sat leafing through a newspaper, watching the door. začněte se učit
to turn the pages of a book or a pile of papers quickly and without looking at them carefully
Obviously the misunderstanding will have to be cleared up. The case was never cleared up. začněte se učit
rozjaśnić; to solve a problem or a mystery
Stop harping on about how ill you feel. začněte se učit
ględzić, rozgadywać się; to keep talking or complaining about something in a way that makes people bored or annoyed
Many shoppers turned away from products that were not environmentally friendly. začněte se učit
to refuse to accept or to use something any longer
The numbness in his shoulder was starting to wear off. I got bored with the job once the novelty wore off. začněte se učit
słabnąć; if something such as a pain, an emotion, or a feeling wears off, it gradually disappears
Are you willing to vouch for him? začněte se učit
ręczyć za; to say that you believe that someone is good and will behave well in future
Sheila carried a knife to ward off attacks. začněte se učit
fight off; to do something to prevent someone or something from harming you