What's in a fairy tale?

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Sophie and Neil talk about the seven dwarves and teach you some related vocabulary.
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dwarf - dwarves
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krasnolud - krasnoludy
remake a film that has been made again
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nagrać (nową wersję utworu), nakręcić (nową wersję dawnego filmu)
to remake/ remake
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przerobić / przeróbka /nowa wersja
toned down
toned down made less forceful
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inception = beginning
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narodziny, powstanie (np. organizacji), rozpoczęcie
gobble up
gobble up eat something very quickly
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pożerać, połykać
Oh, you mean the modern retelling of the story Snow White?
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nowa wersja (opowieści)
A new account or an adaptation of a story: a retelling of a Roman myth.
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nowa wersja (opowieści)
The movie you watched is a remake, a film that has been made again, but the fairy tale is very old.
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But this new version is for young adults – it's a different genre – or style – of film
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right up your street
It's right up your street, isn't it Neil? Too right.
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coś dla ciebie
Too right.
said when you ​agree ​completely
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nazbyt prawdziwe
I can't forget her in the 2008 movie Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.
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at any rate
Interestingly there has been a bit of a move towards seeing fairy tales as an adult, or at any rate a young adult – a dark sort of genre.
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w każdym razie
And dark here means scary or frightening. a dark sort of genre.
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ciemny / ponury
It's only in the Victorian era that they become moral children's tales and it looks like we're going back to the inception of fairy stories now with a more adult take on them.
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narodziny, powstanie
to take sth on
it looks like we're going back to the inception of fairy stories now with a more adult take on them.
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brać coś na siebie
to be aimed at
So these Hollywood remakes aimed at the teen market are actually returning fairy tales to an adult audience.
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być skierowanym do
So these Hollywood remakes aimed at the teen market are actually returning fairy tales to an adult audience.
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The Victorians toned down this dark content – or made it less forceful. opposite: mild
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zdecydowany/ potężny, silny
And inception means the beginning. So fairy tales began as a dark genre.
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narodziny, powstanie
gobble up
In the real version he gobbles her up and then eats Red Riding Hood for dessert.
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pożerać, połykać
gobble up
to consume something rapidly. The wolf said that he was going to gobble the little girl up.
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pożerać, połykać
trace back
So these fairy tales that we've looked at – we've been able to trace back, really, thousands of years – probably sort of 4-6,000 years is the origin of many famous European folk tales, stories such as Beauty and the Beast.
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odnaleźć źródło czegoś, ustalić pochodzenie czegoś
There's not even a trace of him
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ślad/ znak
trace back
to ​describe the way in which something has ​developed. She has traced her ​family ​history back to the seventeenth ​century.
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odnaleźć źródło czegoś, ustalić pochodzenie czegoś
to trace
We've been able to trace the transmission across generations of these stories much further back than is generally recognized.
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Well, dating languages isn't something I'm familiar with – I think it's a bit like looking at a few dinosaur bones and trying to reconstruct what dinosaurs looked like.
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datowanie (ocenianie wieku czegoś)
Well, that's the end of today's spellbinding 6 Minute English. Don't forget to join us again soon!
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holding ​your ​attention ​completely: He gave a spellbinding ​performance.
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