otázka |
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the BBC has sought to allay criticism of its talent costs by publishing salary bands for the pay of top stars. začněte se učit
they struggle to balance the conflicting expectations between domestic responsibilities and emerging professional opportunities. začněte se učit
to be appointed to a ministerial position In Qatar, four women have been appointed to ministerial positions since 2003. začněte se učit
zostać mianowanym na stanowisko ministra
to be caught between two agendas Women in Gulf countries find themselves caught between two contradictory agendas for the 21st century. začněte se učit
zostać złapanym między dwoma programami
to be relegated to traditional roles/ to the private sphere She resigned when she was relegated to a desk job. začněte se učit
zostać zdegradowanym do tradycyjnych ról/strefy prywatnej
to campaign for the women's rights Saudi women successfully campaigned for the right to drive. začněte se učit
kampania na rzecz praw kobiet
to enforce traditional gender roles My research on women in the Arab Gulf finds, at home, they still enforce traditional gender roles. začněte se učit
egzekwować tradycyjne role płci
to face social pressure/ problems Qatari women like Sheikha tend to face significant social pressure to settle down and have children by a certain age. začněte se učit
stawić czoła presji społecznej/problemom
to file a complaint against sb In Saudi Arabia, men can file a "disobedience" complaint against female relatives for leaving the house without permission. začněte se učit
to get women into the workforce Aim to reduce dependency on migrant labour by getting more women into the workforce. začněte se učit
wprowadzić kobiety na rynek pracy
to hold conservative views/ elections/ a meeting/ a cabinet position Many women I met hold conservative views on marriage and the family. začněte se učit
mieć konserwatywne poglądy/ wybory/ zebranie/ stanowisko w rządzie
to interfere with domestic duties Man can stop his wife from working if he feels her employment interferes with her domestic responsibilities or religious conduct. začněte se učit
kolidować z obowiązkami domowymi
to make political inroads Women are making political inroads in the region. začněte se učit
wkraczac w swiat polityki
Through their nurturing of language, codes of ethics, behavioural patterns, value systems and religious beliefs, women play an indispensable role in upholding traditional familial and cultural values. začněte se učit
Female citizens outnumber male citizens in the workforce. začněte se učit
to play an indispensable role Women play an indispensable role in upholding traditional familial and cultural values. začněte se učit
to run an association/ a buisness/ one's own company A 32-year-old Qatari who now runs a cultural association for expatriates and tourists. začněte se učit
prowadzić stowarzyszenie/biznes/wlasna firme
Saudi Arabia set a goal of 30 per cent female labour participation by 2030. začněte se učit
Qatari women like Sheikha tend to face significant social pressure to settle down and have children. začněte se učit
osiedlic sie\ustatkowac sie
clerics, who have significant social and political influence in the region, enforce conservative readings of Islamic law that subordinate women. začněte se učit
to tout female advancement abroad začněte se učit
zachwalać awans kobiet za granicą
to uphold traditional values women play an indispensable role in upholding traditional familial and cultural values. začněte se učit
podtrzymać tradycyjne wartości
Championing women’s advancement is one way Gulf rulers can present a positive international image začněte se učit
dependency on migrant labourzależność od pracy migrantów začněte se učit
that aim to reduce dependency on migrant labour by getting more women into the workforce
men can file a "disobedience" complaint against female relatives for leaving the house without permission. začněte se učit
In Kuwait, activists are now pushing for better protection against domestic violence. začněte se učit
I don’t want to say that marriage erases the dreams, she said, but sometimes with the family commitment you can’t do it. začněte se učit
higher education enrolment women outnumber men in higher education enrollment. začněte se učit
rekrutacja na studia wyższe
women in all of the Gulf states must receive the approval of a male guardian to marry. začněte se učit
women must find their own ways to balance newfound freedoms with existing social and religious pressures. začněte se učit
if he feels her employment interferes with her domestic responsibilities or religious conduct. začněte se učit
postępowanie\zachowanie religijne
But throughout history male leaders in the Gulf have associated patriarchal gender roles with religious purity začněte se učit
the conflicting\contradictory expectations Qatari women I’ve interviewed say they struggle to balance the conflicting expectations. začněte se učit
All countries of the Arab Gulf now have workforce “nationalisation policies” that aim to reduce dependency on migrant labour by getting more women into the workforce začněte se učit