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otázka odpověď
I think his sarcastic comments are completely indefensible.
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niewybaczalny, nieuzasadniony
Indian police officers are poorly paid which makes them susceptible to corruption.
začněte se učit
podatny (na coś), wrażliwy
to downgrade
She tried to downgrade the import_ance of her colleague's work.
začněte se učit
degradować, umniejszać (np. rolę, znaczenie)
Sigmund Freud was an Austrian neurologist most notably known for founding the discipline of psychoanalysis.
začněte se učit
szczególnie, w szczególności
to wring
I'll just wring out this jumper and hang it out to dry.
začněte se učit
wykręcić, wyżymać
Crusty ciabatta bread is a perfect companion to a bowl of soup or a plate of pasta.
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to backfire
Her plans to make him jealous backfired on her when he asked for a divorce.
začněte se učit
odnieść odwrotny skutek, obracać się przeciw komuś
to slide
We slid down the hill on a sledge
začněte se učit
ślizgać się
Ukraine's economy remains stagnant with few signs of bright prospects in the near future.
začněte se učit
w zastoju, martwy
to degrade
Parts of these land areas are being degraded through farming practices.
začněte se učit
niszczyć, degradować
The court was presented with compelling evidence that he'd murdered his father-in-law.
začněte se učit
przekonywujący, nie do odparcia
to mend
When are you going to mend that hole in my shirt?
začněte se učit
naprawiać, załatać
to pierce
przekłuć, przebić
začněte se učit
She can't wear these earrings because her ears aren't pierced.
I had a beer after work which made me feel a bit dozy.
začněte se učit
ospały, senny
to retard
Stress may retard brain development in children.
začněte se učit
opóźniać, zwalniać

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