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Downtown Abbey is a famous costume drama. začněte se učit
a play, TV programme, or film that is about a particular time in history, in which people wear costumes from that time
I watch the news to keep up with current affairs. začněte se učit
important political events or other events in society that are happening now
The new detective series is really fast- paced. začněte se učit
a story etc about a crime, often a murder, and a detective who tries to find out who did it
Docudramas are becoming more and more popular. začněte se učit
a television programme which shows real events in the form of a story
A local film crew is making a documentary about earthquakes. začněte se učit
a film or a television or radio programme that gives detailed information about a particular subject
My uncle once participated in a game show and won a car. začněte se učit
a television programme in which people play games in order to win prizes
Did you watch the six o'clock news? začněte se učit
information about something that has happened recently
The prize for winning the quiz is a TV. začněte se učit
a competition in which you have to answer questions concurso [de perguntas e respostas na TV]
I can't understand why some people love reality shows so much. začněte se učit
television programmes that film ordinary people doing their jobs or living their lives, or show what they do when put in a special situation
The six part serial will soon be finished. začněte se učit
a story that is broadcast or printed in several separate parts
Have you seen the new comedy series on TV last night? začněte se učit
a set of television or radio programmes that have the same characters or deal with the same type of subject, and are usually broadcast every week or several times a week
I don’t really like watching sitcoms. začněte se učit
a funny television programme that has the same characters every week in a different story
The new sketch show is really funny. začněte se učit
a TV programme made up of short humorous scenes
Soap operas are normally shown at the same time each day. začněte se učit
I can't watch thrillers before going to bed because then I have nightmares. začněte se učit
an exciting film or book about murder or crime romance policial filme de suspense, thriller
Did you see that wildlife programme on predators? začněte se učit
animals and plants living in natural conditions fauna e flora, vida selvagem
The company brought out a new smartphone last night. začněte se učit
introduce a product or make something available lançar alguma coisa [um produto]
The spices really bring out the flavour of the meat. začněte se učit
to make something easier to see, taste, notice etc realçar alguma coisa to bring out the best/worst in sb fazer sobressair o que há de melhor/pior em alguém
I came across an old diary in her desk. začněte se učit
to meet or find someone or something by chance encontrar alguma coisa [por acaso]; cruzar-se com alguém
She comes across as a very intelligent young woman. začněte se učit
if someone comes across in a particular way, they seem to have particular qualities
He puts up with a lot at work. začněte se učit
to accept an unpleasant situation or person without complaining, to tolerate put up with sth/sb aguentar alguma coisa/alguém
I hope my friend can put me up this weekend. začněte se učit
to let someone stay in your house and give them meals
You'd better take back that remark. začněte se učit
to admit that you were wrong to say something retirar alguma coisa [um comentário] “retirar o que disse/fez” ou “voltar atrás no que disse/fez”
That song takes me back to being a teenager. začněte se učit
to make you remember a time in the past lembrar de algo e ser levado de volta ao passado (no sentido figurado) por essa lembrança.
Joanna wished things had turned out differently. začněte se učit
to happen in a particular way or to be found to be something acabar. it turned out that descobri/descobriram etc. que
Thousands turned out on the streets to watch the London Marathon runners. začněte se učit
if a lot of people turn out for an event, they go to watch it or take part in it
Are you accusing me of lying? začněte se učit
to say that someone has done something wrong or illegal acusar alguém de (fazer) alguma coisa
The chairman of the company admitted that mistakes had been made. začněte se učit
to say that you have done something wrong or illegal
He apologised for being late. začněte se učit
to tell someone that you are sorry that pedir desculpas, desculpar-se
In court they denied all the charges. začněte se učit
to say that something is not true (desmentir) negar; (recusar) negar
John was trying to persuade me to stay. začněte se učit
to make someone decide to do something by telling them why it is a good idea, or asking them many times convencer alguém (a fazer alguma coisa)
She promised to write to me. začněte se učit
to say that you will definitely do something or that something will definitely happen
I asked her to marry me, but she refused. začněte se učit
to say firmly that you will not do or accept something
The article was quite biased! začněte se učit
supporting one person or group in an unfair way, when you should treat everyone fairly
The newspaper has a circulation of 2 million. začněte se učit
the average number of copies of a newspaper or magazine that are usually sold each day, week, month etc tiragem [de um jornal ou revista]
The first edition of the book was published in 1836. začněte se učit
one copy or form of a book, newspaper, magazine, etc
I like reading the editorial page as it's often full of opinions. začněte se učit
a page in a newspaper that gives the editor’s opinion about something, rather than reporting facts
The agony aunt page is my favourite feature. začněte se učit
an important, interesting, or typical part of something aspecto característica feição reportagem traço qualidade habilidade atributo colunista de revista ou outro periódico que responde a perguntas sentimentais dos leitores
People often read magazines because of the sensationalism. začněte se učit
a way of reporting events that makes them seem as strange, exciting, or shocking as possible
I always read the supplement whilst my partner reads the main newspaper. začněte se učit
an additional part at the end of a book, or a separate part of a newspaper, magazine etc (de jornal, revista) suplemento
Do you prefer tabloids or broadsheets? začněte se učit
a newspaper that has small pages, a lot of photographs, and not very much serious news tablóide the tabloid press a imprensa sensacionalista
The menu bar contains different tabs to click on. začněte se učit
a long narrow shape along the sides or at the top of a computer screen, usually containing signs that you can click on Barra de menu é uma região de um software aplicativo, em que menus são apresentados para prover funcionalidades a janelas específicas ou à aplicação tais como abrir arquivos, interagir com o sistema ou requisitar ajuda.
Don't bring up her past. She doesn't like talking about it. začněte se učit
to start to talk about something
I was brought up a Catholic. začněte se učit
to look after and influence a child until he or she is grown up criar alguém; Ela teve uma educação católica.
The navigation buttons must be clear and easy to click on. začněte se učit
a small area on a computer screen, especially on a website, that you click on in order to perform an action (em máquina) botão; to press a button carregar num botão, pressionar um botão
You need an eye-catching headline to get people to read the article. začněte se učit
the title of a newspaper report, which is printed in large letters above the report manchete [de jornal] the headlines os destaques das principais notícias
The lead story is the one I always start reading. začněte se učit
the most important report in a newspaper or news programme, which is put first artigo principal m matéria principal f
Click on the video link and watch the story! začněte se učit
a special word or picture in an Internet document that you click on to move quickly to another part of the same document or to another document um link é o "endereço" de um documento (ou um recurso) na web.
If a website's navigation is difficult, nobody will use it. začněte se učit
when you click on words, pictures etc in order to move between documents that are connected on the Internet
I find out about the most current news through the news feed. začněte se učit
a continuous transmission of data, consisting of news updates, to web sites through a syndicated news service provider. suprimentos de notícias, fornecimento de atualização em conjunto de grupos de discussão na Internet
She turned down his proposal. začněte se učit
Can you turn that music down, please! začněte se učit
diminuir alguma coisa [o forno, o ar-condicionado], baixar o volume de alguma coisa [o rádio, a TV]
My car broke down on the way to work. začněte se učit
if a car or a machine breaks down, it stops working
I left London when my marriage broke down. začněte se učit
fail or end unsucessfully
Did you see the breaking news story? začněte se učit
She pulled out without looking. začněte se učit
to drive onto a road from another arrancar [veículo] mudar de faixa [para ultrapassar]
McDermott pulled out with an injury začněte se učit
end one's involvement or quit abandonar (alguma coisa) [um jogo, uma corrida, etc.], desistir (de alguma coisa) [um negócio, um acordo, etc.]
I put off the gardener until the weather was better. začněte se učit
to postpone doing something or an event protelar alguma coisa, adiar alguma coisa put sb off adiar um compromisso com alguém
That disgusting story really put me off my food! začněte se učit
make someone dislike something desencorajar alguém de (fazer) alguma coisa
The company took on five apprentices. začněte se učit
England will have to take on Germany to get through to the finals. začněte se učit
enfrentar alguém [num jogo, numa discussão]
It’s going to rain, according to the weather forecast. začněte se učit
a report on the television or radio that says what the weather will be like
Some websites have a lot of pop-up ads to bring in income. začněte se učit
a window, containing an advertisement, that suddenly appears on a computer screen, especially when you are looking at a website
People often read magazines because of the sensationalism. začněte se učit
a way of reporting events that makes them seem as strange, exciting, or shocking as possible