work work work

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has the same position/ does the same job as me
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is my opposite number
how we communicate and work together
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working relationship
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colleagues- esp. in non-professional jobs
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talk abt work
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talk shop
has a structure with powerful and less powerful people
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a system where some peole have the right to get benefits/promotions before others
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we each have a 50% contract for the same job
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do a job-share
use an electronic card to record the time sb arrives and leaves each day
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clock in and clock out
mieć elastyczny czas pracy
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work flexi-time/ be on flexi-time
pracować na zmiany
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do shift work/ be a shift worker
być samozatrudnionym
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be self-employed
być freelancerem
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be freelance, work freelance
amount of work one has to do
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heavy workload
very exciting job, which everyone admires
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glamorous job
nieregularne godziny
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irregular hours
hours that do not enable one to have a normal social life
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antisocial hours
sitting in an office all day
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be stuck behind a desk
stuck in a job one cant escape from
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stuck in a rut
jons with no prospects of promotion
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dead-end jobs
job where you dont have to think about what you are doing
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mechanical job
the same thing every day
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finishing work
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knocking off
boring because it never changes
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hard and physical work
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manual work
work that helps people
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vocational work

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