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czy chcialbys?
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would you like to?
a moze bys?
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why don’t you?
zawsze mozemy
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we could always
co powiesz na to, zeby?
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how about?
mozesz tez
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you might as well
začněte se učit
you must
naprawde polecam ci, zebys
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i truly recommend that you
przepraszam, że nie
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i am so sorry that i didnt
wybacz mi, ze nie
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forgive me for not
prosze przyjac moje przeprosiny za
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please, accept my apologies for
szczerze przepraszam za
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i sincerely apologise for
gleboko zaluje, ze
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i deeply regret that
glowna zaleta... jest to, ze
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the key advantage of... is that
dodatkowa korzyscia mogloby byc
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an additional benefit could be
jednym z argumentow na korzysc... jest to, ze
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an argument for... is that
dobra strona
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on the positive side
zla strona
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on the negative side
jedna z zalet/wad... jest
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one advantage/disadvantage of... is
z drugiej strony jednak... ma rowniez kilka wad
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on the other hand, there are some negative aspects of... too
minusem jest
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the downside is
glowna wada jest to, ze
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the major disadvantage is that
jedna z powaznych wad... jest to, ze
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one serious disadvantage of... is that
jedna z istotnych wad... jest to, ze
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one considerable disadvantage of... is that
kolejnym argumentem przeciw... jest
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a further argument against... is
pewnego wieczoru
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one evening
pamietnego dnia
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one memorable day I
pierwsza rzecza, ktora zrobil, bylo kupienie
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the first thing he did was buying...
najpierw, gdy tylko przyjechalem
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first, the moment i arrived
nastepnie ugotowal
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he followed that by cooking
trudno w to uwierzyc, ale wtedy
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it’s hard to believe, but then
kiedy tam dotarliśmy...
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when we got there, we
zaczelismy od... a potem poszlismy
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we started at... and then we went
po... ja
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after... I
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wracalismy, gdy
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we were on our way back when
nigdy nie zgadniesz, co sie potem wydarzylo
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you’ll never guess what happened next
szczegolnie podobalo mi sie
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i particularly enjoyed
glowna atrakcja mojego pobytu tam bylo
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the highlight of my stay there was
to doswiadczenie nauczylo mnie
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this experience has taught me
najbardziej zapadlo mi w pamiec
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what i remember most is
to bylo okropne doswiadczenie
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it was a terrible experience
zapewniam cie, ze to trzeba zobaczyc na wlasne oczy
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i assure you that it is a must-see
to jest stadion niedaleko
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it’s a stadium near
jest troche na odludziu, ale
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it’s a bit isolated, but
to jest tuz za miastem
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it’s just outside the city of...
znajduje sie na wschodnim wybrzezu
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it’s situated on the east coast of
stan budynku jest zatrważajacy
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the state of the building is appalling
budynek nie jest zadbany
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the building has not been well maintained
to miejsce, polozone
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situated... the place
to miejsce wprost czeka na...
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the place is waiting for
bardzo brakowaloby mi jedzenia
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i would really miss eating
trudno by mi bylo zapomniec
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i would find it hard to forget
rozwazam wybor
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i’m thinking about choosing
chcialbym pojechac
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i would love to travel
mam nadzieje, ze dostane
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i’m hoping to receive
chce dolaczyc
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i want to join
rozwazam dolaczenie do
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i’m considering joining
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we’re going to
moim zdaniem
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in my opinion
zdecydowanie uwazam, ze
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i feel very strongly that
jest dla mnie oczywistym, ze
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it’s quite clear to me that

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