Zdrowie psychiczne

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the process of helping someone to stop taking drugs or alcohol: She's just finished four months of...
začněte se učit
go to rehab
She's just finished four months of rehab.
a substance that can make people or animals ill or kill them if they eat or drink it: Her drink had been laced with a deadly...
začněte se učit
Her drink had been laced with a deadly poison.
uzależniony od
unable to stop taking drugs, or doing something as a habit: By the age of 14 he was ... heroin.
začněte se učit
addicted to
By the age of 14 he was addicted to heroin.
poisonous; ... waste/chemicals/effluent
začněte se učit
toxic waste/chemicals/effluent
palić e papierosy
to breathe in nicotine (= the drug found in tobacco) or another drug as vapour rather than as smoke, especially using an e-cigarette: Rather than start ..., you should give up smoking altogether.
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Rather than start vaping, you should give up smoking altogether.
Jestem abstynentem
someone who never drinks alcohol: He himself was a non-smoking...
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I'm a teetotaler // I don't drink
He himself was a non-smoking teetotaler.
znaleźć brudy na (kogoś)
Two police officers are trying to ... another man
začněte se učit
find dirt on
Two police officers are trying to find dirt on another man
free from any dirty marks, pollution, bacteria, etc.: honest or fair, or showing that you have not done anything illegal: having stopped taking an illegal drug after taking it regularly: a good ... fight/contest
začněte se učit
a good clean fight/contest
zepsuty, zgniły
decayed: The room smelled of ... vegetables.
začněte se učit
The room smelled of rotten vegetables.
sprawdzenie przeszłości, prześwietlanie
a check of what a person has done in the past, usually as part of the process of deciding whether or not to employ them: Applicants can expect a thorough ... for trustworthiness in handling sensitive materials.
začněte se učit
background check
Applicants can expect a thorough background check for trustworthiness in handling sensitive materials.
the activity of betting money, for example in a game or on a horse race: ... can be an addictive habit.
začněte se učit
Gambling can be an addictive habit.
hazard (w znaczeniu zagrożenia)
something that is dangerous and likely to cause damage: The busy traffic entrance was a ... to pedestrians.
začněte se učit
The busy traffic entrance was a hazard to pedestrians.
uchylanie się od podatków
ways of illegally paying less tax than you should; He was arrested in October on charges of ... and fraud.
začněte se učit
tax evasion
He was arrested in October on charges of tax evasion and fraud.
uzależnienie od narkotyków
začněte se učit
drug addiction
an artificial covering of hair used to hide an area of the head where there is no hair: Do you think he wears a ...?
začněte se učit
Do you think he wears a hairpiece?
nothing; I know ... about computers.
začněte se učit
I know zip about computers.
nervous and not relaxed; Is something wrong? You seem a bit ... this morning.
začněte se učit
on edge
Is something wrong? You seem a bit on edge this morning.
rzucić palenie
I'm trying to...
začněte se učit
quit smoking
I'm trying to quit smoking
być na głodzie po rzuceniu z dnia na dzień (głód np. nikotynowy)
the period of extreme suffering that comes immediately after a person has stopped taking a drug on which they depend: Six years ago she ... on (= stopped completely) a three-pack-a-day smoking habit.
začněte se učit
go cold turkey
Six years ago she went cold turkey on (= stopped completely) a three-pack-a-day smoking habit.
becoming annoyed very easily: Be careful what you say - he's rather ... today.
začněte se učit
Be careful what you say - he's rather irritable today.
Mniej mnie na oku
začněte se učit
Keep an eye on me
an inability to stop doing or using something, especially something harmful: his ... to alcohol
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his addiction to alcohol
pokonać zachcianki
a strong feeling of wanting something:; I have a ... for chocolate.; I learned how to...
začněte se učit
beat my cravings
I learned how to beat my cravings
orgnizm (gdy mówimy o ciele człowieka)
a set of organs or structures in the body that have a particular purpose: the immune...
začněte se učit
the immune system
to put something into liquid for a short time: ... the sponge in water every once in a while to stop it from drying out.
začněte se učit
Dunk the sponge in water every once in a while to stop it from drying out.
Something that is ... attracts you to it by offering you advantages or pleasure: an ... smile
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an enticing smile
wyjść z nałogu
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overcome an addiction
wyścigi konne
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the ponies
para (wodna)
the hot gas that is produced when water boils: a ... engine/locomotive
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a steam engine/locomotive
drukarka etykiet
začněte se učit
label maker
przejąć dowodzenie nad
to accept responsibility for something and have control over it: She ... the project and made sure it was finished on time.
začněte se učit
take charge of
She took charge of the project and made sure it was finished on time.
medytacja prowadzona
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guided meditation
nad dowód wsparcia
Terry and I agreed to participate...
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as a show of support
Terry and I agreed to participate as a show of support
zmagać się z nałogiem
I too...
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battle an addiction
I too battled an addiction
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compulsive shopper
pomogła mi przezwyciężyć
Anyway, meditation... that addiction
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helped me past
Anyway, meditation helped me past that addiction
začněte se učit
the state of understanding something: Can you give me any ... on what happened?
začněte se učit
Can you give me any enlightenment on what happened?
to touch or kiss someone in a gentle and loving way: Gently he ... her cheek.
začněte se učit
Gently he caressed her cheek.
wywierać presję na samego siebie
Kornel, you're ... too much...
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put yourself under pressure
Kornel, you're putting yourself under too much pressure
być przykładem
začněte se učit
set an example
I'm setting an example
wider or further open than usual: ... pupils
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dilated pupils
wpływać na
to have an influence on someone or something, or to cause a change in someone or something: The divorce ... every aspect of her life.
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The divorce affected every aspect of her life.
dym papierosowy
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cigarette smoke
wrócić do nałogu
to become ill or start behaving badly again, after making an improvement: She managed to stop using drugs for a month, but then...
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She managed to stop using drugs for a month, but then relapsed.
to defeat someone: She played well, but her opponent...
začněte se učit
get the best of you
She played well, but her opponent got the better of her.
środki odurzające
material with particular physical characteristics: an organic/chemical...
začněte se učit
an organic/chemical substance
pocić się jak szczur
to be extremely nervous and worried about something: I was ... over this interview.
začněte se učit
sweat bullets
I was sweating bullets over this interview.
I'm a...
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drug addict
I'm a drug addict
a drug used in medicine to prevent pain and also used illegally, often in the form of a white powder that is breathed in through the nose
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začněte se učit
sex addict
Łatwo się ze mną rozmawia
začněte se učit
I'm easy to talk to.
the belief that you can ... someone or something: a relationship based on ... and understanding
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a relationship based on trust and understanding
związek, relacja
the way in which two or more people feel and behave towards each other: He has a very good ... with his uncle.
začněte se učit
He has a very good relationship with his uncle.
an important discovery or event that helps to improve a situation or provide an answer to a problem: Scientists are hoping for a ... in the search for a cure for cancer.
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Scientists are hoping for a breakthrough in the search for a cure for cancer.
czuć się bezpiecznie
Patient needs to...
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feel safe
Patient needs to feel safe
być w trakcie terapii
There's really no point for them...
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be in therapy
There's really no point for them being in therapy
an aim or purpose: Our ... is for the country to be fully independent within two years.
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Our goal is for the country to be fully independent within two years.
someone whose job is to treat a particular type of mental or physical illness or disability, usually with a particular type of therapy: I'm seeing my ... on Friday morning.
začněte se učit
I'm seeing my therapist on Friday morning.
to catch someone, especially when they are doing something wrong, or to make it clear that they are guilty: The police had been trying to ... those guys for months.
začněte se učit
The police had been trying to nail those guys for months.
bezbronny, wrażliwy
able to be easily physically or mentally hurt, influenced, or attacked: Tourists are more ... to attack, because they do not know which areas of the city to avoid.
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Tourists are more vulnerable to attack, because they do not know which areas of the city to avoid.
rich: He's a very ... man.
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He's a very wealthy man.
na terapi
začněte se učit
in therapy
terapeuta infml
a psychiatrist: I was so depressed that I ended up going to see a...
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I was so depressed that I ended up going to see a shrink.
He said I was...
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He said I was cured
brać narkotyki
I don't...
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do drugs
I don't do drugs
poza kontrolą
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out of control
jeśli chodzi o nałogi
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rzeczownik + jeśli chodzi o
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sex-wise, girl-wise, coffe-wise
wycieczka szkolna
school trip; a visit made by students to study something away from their school or college: a geography...
začněte se učit
field trip
a geography field trip
a written or spoken description or record of an event: She gave a thrilling ... of her life in the jungle.
začněte se učit
She gave a thrilling account of her life in the jungle.
brać narkotyki
do drugs;
začněte se učit
take drugs
być na głodzie narkotykowym
the unpleasant physical and mental effects that result when you stop doing or taking something, especially a drug, that has become a habit:
začněte se učit
be in withdrawal
... descriptions, memories, etc. produce very clear, powerful, and detailed images in the mind: He gave a very ... and often shocking account/description of his time in prison.
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He gave a very vivid and often shocking account/description of his time in prison.
wyciek z odbytu
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anal leakage
rough and with sharp points: a ... cut/tear
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a jagged cut/tear
a tube that carries blood to the heart from the other parts of the body; You could almost hear the blood coursing through her ... as she passed the finishing line.
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You could almost hear the blood coursing through her veins as she passed the finishing line.
nie znosić
to hate someone or something very much: I ... any kind of cruelty.
začněte se učit
I detest any kind of cruelty.
to breathe air, smoke, or gas into your lungs: She became ill shortly after ... the fumes.
začněte se učit
She became ill shortly after inhaling the fumes.
kosz na pranie
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laundry basket, hamper, linen basket
extremely happy about something: I was ... that so many people turned up to the party.
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I was thrilled that so many people turned up to the party.
to have a strong unpleasant smell: Her breath ... of garlic.
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Her breath reeked of garlic.
zakaz palenia
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a ban on smoking
coś Ci powiem
začněte se učit
let me tell you something
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zmagać się z
to use a lot of effort to defeat someone, prevent something, or achieve something: For years she ... /against the establishment to get her theories accepted.
začněte se učit
struggle with
For years she struggled with/against the establishment to get her theories accepted.
zdrowie psychiczne
the condition of someone's mind and whether or not they are suffering from any mental illness: Laughing is good for your...
začněte se učit
mental health
Laughing is good for your mental health.
a medical condition in which you always feel frightened and worried: He has helped patients suffering from ..., depression, and eating disorders.
začněte se učit
He has helped patients suffering from anxiety, depression, and eating disorders.
niskie poczucie własnej wartości
začněte se učit
low self-esteem
trzeba przyznać że
used to admit that something is true, before saying something else about it: ... that the story's true, there's not a lot you can do about it.
začněte se učit
Granted that the story's true, there's not a lot you can do about it.
warto spróbować
začněte se učit
it is worth a try
a way of dealing with something: We need to adopt a different ... to the problem.
začněte se učit
We need to adopt a different approach to the problem.
niepewny siebie
NOT CONFIDENT; ... people have little confidence and are uncertain about their own abilities or if other people really like them: He still feels ... about his ability to do the job.
začněte se učit
He still feels insecure about his ability to do the job.
LACK OF CONFIDENCE; a feeling of lacking confidence and not being sure of your own abilities or of whether people like you: She had developed an outgoing personality to mask her deep...
začněte se učit
She had developed an outgoing personality to mask her deep insecurities.
about my...
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about my looks
wstydzić się
I ... my hair, weight
začněte se učit
be self-conscious about
I was self-conscious about my hair, weight
malować się (kobiety)
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put on makeup
w połączeniu z (czymś)
That unhealthy self-image, ... a less than perfect relationship with my family
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paired with
That unhealthy self-image, paired with a less than perfect relationship with my family
pomocny (np. terapia)
That therapy can be...
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of help
That therapy can be of help
niekoniecznie myślą
we are all different and that others ... in the same way as aI do.
začněte se učit
they don't necessarily think
we are all different and that others don't necessarily think in the same way as aI do.
unsuccessful or showing no ability, effort, or bravery, so that people feel no respect: Are you telling me you're frightened to speak to her? Don't be so ...!
začněte se učit
Are you telling me you're frightened to speak to her? Don't be so pathetic!
rozpoznać (rożnicę)
to know, recognize, or be certain: This one is supposed to be better, but how can you ... the difference?
začněte se učit
This one is supposed to be better, but how can you tell the difference?
emotional or practical help: Liz gave me a lot of ... when I lost my job.
začněte se učit
Liz gave me a lot of support when I lost my job.
najgorszy wypadek
the most unpleasant or serious thing that could happen in a situation: The study concludes that in a ... there might be 80,000 cases of the disease.
začněte se učit
worst-case scenario
The study concludes that in a worst-case scenario there might be 80,000 cases of the disease.
a part of an organization such as a school, business, or government that deals with a particular area of study or work: The sales ... is/are having a Christmas party this week
začněte se učit
The sales department is/are having a Christmas party this week
UNFRIENDLY; The president had a ... reception in Ohio this morning.
začněte se učit
The president had a hostile reception in Ohio this morning.
treating someone badly or cruelly, esp. physically: He was a very strict parent, but never...
začněte se učit
He was a very strict parent, but never abusive.
w toksycznym związku
hide the fact that you are...
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in an abusive relationship
hide the fact that you are in an abusive relationship
umrzeć z powodu (np. samobójstwa, ale nie choroby)
more people ... suicide every year than in car crashes
začněte se učit
die by
more people dying by suicide every year than in car crashes
umrzeć z powodu (choroby)
... cancer
začněte se učit
die of
die of cancer
the act of killing yourself intentionally: She attempted ... when she was a teenager.
začněte se učit
She attempted suicide when she was a teenager.
poruszyć temat
Mental health needs to be...
začněte se učit
Mental health needs to be address
presja rówieśników
the strong influence of a group, especially of children, on members of that group to behave as everyone else does: There is tremendous ... to wear fashionable clothes.
začněte se učit
peer pressure
There is tremendous peer pressure to wear fashionable clothes.
deserving of ..., or able to be depended on: She was an old and ... friend.
začněte se učit
She was an old and trusted friend.
to aim something in a particular direction: Criticism was ... against/at the manufacturers of the product.
začněte se učit
Criticism was directed against/at the manufacturers of the product.
wybierz numer
to operate a phone or make a phone call to someone by choosing a particular series of numbers on the phone: Can I ... direct, or do I have to go through the operator?
začněte se učit
dial that number
Can I dial this number direct, or do I have to go through the operator?
Nie biorę narkotyków
začněte se učit
I don't do drugs
Jest uzależniony od pornografii
začněte se učit
He is addicted to porn
Od roku jest na terapii
začněte se učit
She has been in therapy for a year
not drunk or affected by alcohol: Are you ... enough to drive, Jim?
začněte se učit
Are you sober enough to drive, Jim?
osoba uzależniona
a person who cannot stop doing or using something, especially something harmful: They were shocked to discover that their daughter was a heroin...
začněte se učit
They were shocked to discover that their daughter was a heroin addict.
An ... drug is one that you cannot stop taking once you have started: Tobacco is highly...
začněte se učit
Tobacco is highly addictive.
uprawiać hazard
to do something that involves risks that might result in loss of money or failure, hoping to get money or achieve success: Anyone who ... on the stock exchange has to be prepared to lose money.
začněte se učit
Anyone who gambles on the stock exchange has to be prepared to lose money.
very unhappy: She's ... living on her own.
začněte se učit
She's miserable living on her own.
popełnić samobójstwo
a phrase used to mean “to kill yourself”, which is now considered offensive because it suggests that doing this is a crime
začněte se učit
commit suicide
nałóg (coś co jeszcze nie jest uzależnieniem)
np. palenie tylko na imprezach
začněte se učit
bad habit
an inability to stop doing or using something, especially something harmful: drug...
začněte se učit
drug addiction
a person who is unable to give up the habit of drinking alcohol very often and in large amounts
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nadużywać alkoholu
začněte se učit
abuse alcohol
nadużywanie alkoholu
začněte se učit
alcohol abuse
nadużywanie środków odurzających
the use of drugs or alcohol in a way that damages a person's life
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substance abuse
marihuana medyczna
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medical marijuana
nabrać niezdrowego nawyku
začněte se učit
develop an unhealthy habit
leczenie nałogu
začněte se učit
addiction treatment
przybrać zły obrót
začněte se učit
take a dark turn
droga do zdrowia
začněte se učit
path to recovery
uśmierzyć ból, znieczulić się
If a part of your body is ..., you are unable to feel it, usually for a short time: I was lying in a weird position and my leg went...
začněte se učit
numb the pain
negatywnie wpływa na twoje życie
začněte se učit
negatively affects your life
szukać pomocy specjalisty
začněte se učit
seek professional help
Anonimowi Alkoholicy
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AA - Alcoholics Anonymous
spotkanie członków AA
začněte se učit
on AA meeting
opiekun w AA
to officially take responsibility for someone else's actions: In general, immigrants qualified by having a close relative or employer ... them for a visa.
začněte se učit
In general, immigrants qualified by having a close relative or employer sponsor them for a visa.
abstynent (alkoholowy)
someone who never drinks alcohol: He himself was a non-smoking...
začněte se učit
He himself was a non-smoking teetotaler.
abstynent (osoba zachowująca wstrzemięźliwość seksualną)
completely avoiding something such as alcohol or sex: sexually...
začněte se učit
sexually abstinent
judasz, wizjoner
a small hole in a door or a wall through which you can look, especially without being seen: I have a security ... in my front door.
začněte se učit
I have a security peephole in my front door.
żuć / przeżuwać
to crush food into smaller, softer pieces with the teeth so that it can be swallowed: This meat is difficult to ... Would you like some gum to ...?
začněte se učit
This meat is difficult to chew.// Would you like some gum to chew?
a large, usually grey bird that is often seen in towns sitting on buildings in large groups, and is sometimes eaten as food; racing/homing...
začněte se učit
racing/homing pigeons
in particular religions, a person who is thought to have special powers to control or influence good and evil spirits, making it possible for them to discover the cause of illness, bad luck, etc.
začněte se učit
przestronny, ogromny
extremely big: The amount of detail the book contains is...
začněte se učit
The amount of detail the book contains is vast.
a principle or idea: It is very difficult to define the ... of beauty.
začněte se učit
It is very difficult to define the concept of beauty.

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