zwroty wyrażające opinię

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otázka odpověď
powiedziałabym że
začněte se učit
I would say that
I would say that she's a little fat
wydaje mi się
začněte se učit
it seems to me
it seems to me that you're a little bit stressed
moim zdaniem
začněte se učit
in my opinion
in my opinion you are cute ^^
jestem zdania, że
začněte se učit
I am of the opinion that
I am off the opinion that she should eat less
Uważam, że
začněte se učit
I am of the view that
co do, jeśli chodzi o
začněte se učit
as for
as for me, I wouldn't have done it
według mnie
začněte se učit
to my mind
to my mind it's stupid
Z tego, co wiem
začněte se učit
as far as I know
As far as I know she's not in Poland
jeśli o mnie chodzi
začněte se učit
as far as I'm concerned
as far as im concerned I would do Nothing
začněte se učit
according to
according to my girlfriend you look stupid
začněte se učit
I reckon
i Recon that these flowers Are Beautiful
reprezentuję zdanie że
začněte se učit
I hold the view that
I hold the view that rasizm is bad
z czyjegoś punktu widzenia
začněte se učit
from someone's point of view
from my Point of View Your Life is full of Happiness
mam wszelkie powody by sądzić że
začněte se učit
I have every reason to believe that
I have Every Reason to believe that your mom is Lovely Woman
sądząc po
začněte se učit
judging by the
judging by your clothes you're homeless
sądzę że
začněte se učit
I suppose that
i suppose that you are really good Friend
Zgaduję że
začněte se učit
I guess
i Guess that you don't have permission
začněte se učit
I claim
he claims he was there Yesterday
upieram się przy tym
začněte se učit
I maintain
I maintain I'm adult, I'm 14!
začněte se učit
I believe
I Believe That this Shop is near
jestem przekonana że
začněte se učit
I m convinced
I'm convinced That your presentation gonna be awesome

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