
 0    29 kartičky    bkokowski1
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otázka odpověď
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an attic
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a balcony
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a bedroom
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a bathroom
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a toilet
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a living room
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a kitchen
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a dining room
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a hall
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a basement
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a garden
Czy Emma jest w domu?
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Is Emma in the house?
Czy piłka jest w garażu?
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Is the football in the garage?
Czy dziadek jest w piwnicy?
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Is grandfather in the basement?
Czy zegar jest w kuchni?
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Is the clock in the kitchen?
Czy myszy są w ogrodzie?
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Are the mice in the garden?
Są trzy sypialnie.
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There are three bedrooms.
Jest kuchnia.
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There is a kitchen.
Jest piwnica.
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There is a basement.
Są dwie łazienki.
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There are two bathrooms.
Są schody.
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There are stairs.
Jest żaba na półce.
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There is a frog on the shelf.
Jest żaba w plecaku.
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There is a frog in the bag.
Jest żaba za śmietnikiem.
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There is a frog behind the bin.
Są żaby przed komputerem.
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There are frogs in front of the computer.
Są żaby na regale.
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There are frogs onthe bookcase.
Są trzy żaby pod łóżkiem.
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There are three frogs under the bed.
Są dwie żaby obok plakatu.
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There are two frogs next to the poster.

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