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感慨 かんがい strong feelings; deep emotion
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豊作 ほうさく abundant harvest; bumper crop
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悩ます なやます to afflict; to torment; to harass; to molest
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真心 まごころ sincerity; devotion
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橋渡し はしわたし bridge building; mediation; go-between; intermediary; (through the) good offices (of someone)
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家畜 かちく domestic animals; livestock; cattle
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布告 ふこく edict; ordinance; proclamation
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賢明 けんめい wisdom; intelligence; prudence
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お使い おつかい errand; mission; going as envoy; messenger; bearer; errand boy; errand girl; familiar spirit
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埋蔵 まいぞう buried property; treasure trove
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引きずる ひきずる to drag along; to pull; to force someone along; to prolong; to drag out; to influence strongly; to seduce
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切れ目 きれめ break; pause; gap; end; rift; interruption; cut; section; notch; incision; end (of a task)
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慣習 かんしゅう usual (historical) custom
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推測 すいそく guess; conjecture
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弁論 べんろん discussion; debate; argument
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分業 ぶんぎょう division of labor; division of labour; specialization; specialisation; assembly-line production
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名残 なごり remains; traces; vestiges; relics; (the sorrow of) parting; end
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告げる つげる to tell; to inform; to announce; to indicate; to signal; to mark
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郷里 きょうり birth-place; home town
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強いる しいる to force; to compel; to coerce
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意気込む いきごむ to be enthusiastic about; to be eager; to be keen
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営む いとなむ to carry on (e.g. in ceremony); to run a business
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明朗 めいろう bright; clear; cheerful
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長大 ちょうだい very long; great length
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聴覚 ちょうかく the sense of hearing
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寄り掛かる よりかかる to lean against; to recline on; to lean on; to rely on; to depend on
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下がる さがる to come down; to go down; to fall; to drop; to sink; to get lower
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晴天 せいてん fine weather (i.e. little or no clouds); fair weather; clear weather; clear sky; fair skies
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類 たぐい kind; sort; type; equal; match; peer
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証 しょう proof (e.g. of love, of innocence); evidence; testimony; vindication (of innocence); license; membership card; permit; to testify (usu. Christian religious context)
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百科事典 ひゃっかじてん encyclopedia; encyclopaedia
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抑圧 よくあつ check; restraint; oppression; suppression
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化する かする to change into; to convert into; to transform; to be reduced; to influence; to improve (someone)
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苦しめる くるしめる to torment; to pain; to inflict (physical) pain; to hurt; to harass; to cause (emotional) pain; to afflict; to distress; to bother; to trouble; to stump; to baffle
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碑 いしぶみ stone monument bearing an inscription (esp. memorial for future generations); stele; stela
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乱れる みだれる to be disordered; to be disarranged; to be disarrayed; to be disheveled; to be dishevelled; to be discomposed; to be upset; to get confused; to be disturbed; to lapse into chaos
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物議 ぶつぎ public discussion; public criticism; controversy
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裏返し うらがえし inside out; upside down; flip side; opposite; contrary; reverse
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老衰 ろうすい senility; senile decay; infirmity (through age)
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実費 じっぴ actual expense; cost price
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百科辞典 ひゃっかじてん encyclopedia; encyclopaedia
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産後 さんご postpartum; after childbirth
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色々 いろいろ various; various colors (colours)
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略奪 りゃくだつ pillage; plunder; looting; robbery
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楽譜 がくふ score; sheet music
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退治 たいじ extermination (e.g. of pests, demons, bandits); elimination; eradication; suppression; making someone renounce worldly desires in order to concentrate on Buddha's teachings; curing illness
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対比 たいひ contrast; comparison
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過密 かみつ overcrowding; crowded; congestion
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有する ゆうする to own; to be endowed with
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ホール ホール hall (dance, concert, etc.); hole; whole; dining area of a restaurant
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桐 きり paulownia tree; Paulownia tomentosa
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交える まじえる to mix; to combine; to exchange (words, fire, etc.); to cross (e.g. swords); to join together
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微量 びりょう minuscule amount; extremely small quantity
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真上 まうえ just above; right overhead
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宛 あて aim; object; purpose; end; expectations; prospects; hopes; something that can be relied upon; snack served with alcoholic drink; pad; guard; blow; strike; addressed to; per
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不意 ふい sudden; abrupt; unexpected; unforeseen
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覆す くつがえす to overturn; to capsize; to upset; to overthrow (government etc.); to reverse (decision etc.); to disprove (an established theory etc.); to overrule
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手際 てぎわ performance; skill; tact
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融通 ゆうずう lending (money); finance; adaptability; versatility; flexibility; accommodation
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懸賞 けんしょう offering prizes; winning; reward
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噴出 ふんしゅつ spewing; gushing; spouting; eruption; effusion
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茶の間 ちゃのま living room (Japanese-style)
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罰 ばち (divine) punishment; curse; retribution
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堪える たえる to bear; to stand; to endure; to put up with; to support; to withstand; to resist; to brave; to be fit for; to be equal to
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打ち切る うちきる to stop; to abort; to discontinue; to close
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引き取る ひきとる to take over; to take back; to collect; to claim; to take charge of; to take custody of; to look after; to take care of; to adopt; to retire to a private place; to withdraw; to get out
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任す まかす to entrust; to leave to a person
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張り紙 はりがみ paper patch; paper backing; poster; sticker; label
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滑らか なめらか smooth (e.g. skin or ground); glassy; velvety; fluent; smooth (speaking); without a hitch
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弓 ゆみ bow (and arrow); archery; bow (for a violin, etc.)
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家出 いえで running away from home; leaving home
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喫茶 きっさ tea drinking; teahouse; tearoom; coffee lounge; coffee shop; (rather formal) cafe
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模範 もはん exemplar; exemplification; exemplum; model; example
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出合う であう to meet (by chance); to come across; to run across; to encounter; to happen upon; to meet (e.g. of rivers, highways, etc.); to emerge and engage (an enemy)
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体裁 ていさい (outward) appearance; (proper) format (e.g. of an essay); form; style; appearances; decency; show; display; lip-service; insincere words; glib talk
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砂利 じゃり gravel; ballast; pebbles; child; rugrat; ankle-biter
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平方 へいほう square (e.g. metre); square
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落ち葉 おちば fallen leaves; leaf litter; deciduous
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度々 たびたび often; again and again; over and over again; repeatedly; frequently
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収まる おさまる to be in one's place; to be installed; to settle into; to be delivered; to be obtained; to be paid; to be settled; to be sorted out; to lessen
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幽霊 ゆうれい ghost; specter; spectre; apparition; phantom
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修士 しゅうし master's (academic degree)
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着色 ちゃくしょく colouring; coloring; colorant
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願書 がんしょ written application or petition; application form
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耕作 こうさく cultivation; farming
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安静 あんせい rest; quiet; repose
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獣 けもの beast; brute; animal
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筒 つつ pipe; tube; cylinder; gun barrel; gun