advanced grammar and vocabulary

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to happen soon after sth happens
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(to come) hard on the heels of sth
to totally agree with/support (normally used in spoken English)
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to be all for sth/to be all In favour of sth
(formal) to find out about sth
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to come to one's notice
to consider yourself lucky (used to say that, even though sth bad has happened to sb, it could have been a lot worse)
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to count yourself lucky
to say that sth was caused by
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o attribute sth to
to be regarded as important or valuable [generally used in the expression: (sb's experience, record, etc) must/ will count for sth]
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to count for
to feel that you have been unfairly treated
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to feel hard done by
(informal, spoken) the most important thing is/What you must remember is
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at the end of the day Youmay disagree with him, but at the end of the day, he is your boss and as such you have to respect his decisions.
not to reveal a secret
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not to breathe a word about sth to b:
to be aban~oned because it is no longer practicable
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to go by th board
to be difficult to get or find
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to be hard to come by
I haven't ... yet
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I've yet to
to have a quick look at sth (a report, a composition, calculations, etc) in order to check it for any obvious mistakes
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to cast an eye over sth
to listen to the end; wysłuchac do końca
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hear out
making a special sound when you grind it; chrupki, chrupiący
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to get a quick look at sth/sb when moving
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to catch a (f1eeting) glimpse of
tendency, a liking for; tendencja, nacylenie, sympatie
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to listen carefully in order to hear sth specific; nasłuchiwać
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listen out for
very careful; mean; ostrożny, rozważny; skąp
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jakoś wytrzymywać pot.
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sweat it out
money or property that you receive from someone after they die An elderly cousin had left her a small legacy. • something that is a part of your history or which stays from an earlier time The Greeks have a rich legacy of literature. The war has left a legacy of hatred.
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to spend time lazily, to be doing sth very slowly; marudzic z czymś, wolno coś robić
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loiter over
to search for; food for domestic animals; poszukiwać; plądrować, przeszukiwać; pasza
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direct; coming from the source; z pierwszej ręki I've got some first-hand information concerning the issue.
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to try to find; poszukiwać
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look about/ around / round for
sinister, maleficient, hideous; zbrodniczy, ohydny
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to destroy or remove; to dismantle; to put sth (such as currently spoken words) in writing; zburzyć; rozmontowywać; notować, zapisywać
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take down
suspicious; podejrzany, spod ciemnej gwiazdy
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low-life He's been hanging around with some low-life company. Spotyka się z jakimś podejrzanym towarzystwem.
ptak drapieżny
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bird of prey
to produce an illegal imitation; an illegal imitation; podrbiać, fałszować; podróbka, fałszerstwo
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counterfeit Lots of counterfeited tools can be bought at bazaars. Na bazarach można kupić mnóstwo podrobionych narzędzi.
difficult to describe; having no special features; nijaki, nieokreślony
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nondescript It's really difficult to recognize that nondescript person in a crowd. Naprawdę trudno rozpoznać tę nijaką osobę w tłumie.
życie usłane różami
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bed of roses
to surrender; poddawać się
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give in
unable to breathe; making you feel unable to breathe; uptight; bez tchu, zadyszany; zapierający dech w piersiach; duszny, napięty
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breathless The exhibition left us breathless. Wystawa zapierała nam dech w piersiach.
a cheap and not very good restaurant or canteen; podrzędna restauracja
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po cichu, w tajemnicy
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on the quiet
a smile that expresses satisfaction or pleasure about having done something or knowing something which is not known by someone else
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SMIRK "Maybe your husband does things that you don't know about," he said with a smirk. "I told you it would end in disaster," said Polly with a self-satisfied smirk on her face.
very tall (woman)
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describes an object that is much smaller than usual
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very small (inf)
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fat+ weak
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thin+ fragile
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thin+ weak
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