slovník Polský - Angličtina

język polski - English

ponieść koszty v angličtině:

1. incur costs incur costs

Angličtina slovo „ponieść koszty„(incur costs) se zobrazí v sadách:

* Business English * Kurs autorski* Contracts 1 - ...
Słowka kartkowka marketing
Business and finance
sport handout 3

2. bear costs bear costs

The main decision however only deals with the obligation on the party or parties concerned to bear costs.

Angličtina slovo „ponieść koszty„(bear costs) se zobrazí v sadách:

SGH angielski semestr IIIb
English exam

3. to bear the costs to bear the costs

Angličtina slovo „ponieść koszty„(to bear the costs) se zobrazí v sadách:

UNIT 2.22 - Sales, Purchases & Costs
Business Ethics
angielski 5-12-17

4. to incur expenses to incur expenses

Angličtina slovo „ponieść koszty„(to incur expenses) se zobrazí v sadách:

Zakupy i uslugi r angielski 8.10.2020
Legal english - law of tort
Approach vol 3
Słówka ang-pol 1

5. to incur the costs to incur the costs

Angličtina slovo „ponieść koszty„(to incur the costs) se zobrazí v sadách:

JP1 October 2016
JP2, October 2016

6. foot the bill foot the bill

Don't worry: the insurance company will foot the bill
Greeks would be hit by yet more austerity to foot the bill for saving their country from economic collapse,

7. incur a cost incur a cost

Angličtina slovo „ponieść koszty„(incur a cost) se zobrazí v sadách:

Egzamin Angielski