Fixed phrases I

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be/have at one's fingertips
Living in the city centre means that you have all necessary amenities at your fingertips.
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be/have easily available/have free access to
Living in the city centre means that you have all necessary amenities at your fingertips.
blow a fuse
Harry blew a fuse when his holiday was cancelled.
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become very angry
Harry blew a fuse when his holiday was cancelled.
come to the fore
The new party came to the fore after the election.
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become important or popular
The new party came to the fore after the election.
put on a brave face/ put a brave face on a situation
Despite her poor exam results, Alice put a brave face on the situation.
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try to hide one's dissapointment
Despite her poor exam results, Alice put a brave face on the situation.
without fail
The deadline is June 1st without fail.
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do sth no matter what
The deadline is June 1st without fail.
few and far between
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few and far between
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The chances of winning the Lotto are few and fare between.
in the flesh
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in person
I was thrilled to meat Doda in the flesh.
in full flow
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(talking) at length
bear fruit
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be successful
on the face of it
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judging by how sth appears
On the face of it the economy seems to be improving.
point the finger of suspicion
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blame sb for sth
Everything pointed the finger of suspition at her for the broken window.
see fit to do sth
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think suitable or right
On the eight day of strike the Minister saw fit to make a statement.
flat broke
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After buying an expensive car I was flat broke.
not have the foggiest idea
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not know sth at all
I haven't the foggiest idea what you are talking about.
get cold feet
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be nervous because sth might fail
Daphne is feeling anxious and is getting cold feet about changing her job.

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