Letters of reminder

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otázka odpověď
a demand note
začněte se učit
wezwanie do zapłaty
a demand for payment
začněte se učit
wezwanie do zapłaty
to urge
I urge you to reconsider your position
začněte se učit
to advise or encourage someone very strongly about what they should do
a receipt
I'm in receipt of the goods.
začněte se učit
the act of receiving something
the National Court Registry
začněte se učit
to enter into registry
začněte se učit
wpisać do rejestru
the Debtor's Register/ debt register
začněte se učit
rejestr dłużników
a confirmation of receipt
začněte se učit
potwierdzenie odbioru
an aknowledgement of service
začněte se učit
potwierdzenie doręczenia
a maturity date
The maturity date is the date upon which the bond matures and the redemption payment is to be made.
začněte se učit
data wymagalności
the date on which principal (= amount loaned) falls due
of the date of this letter
začněte se učit
od daty otrzymania tego listu
to seek recovery of sums unpaid on a invoice dated 15 May 2011
začněte se učit
dochodzić zapłaty pieniędzy za fakturę wystawioną na 15 maja
to advice of
začněte se učit
a debt recovery
začněte se učit
dochodzenie długów
a settlement
The parties were unable to reach an out-of-court settlement, so the case proceeded to trial.
začněte se učit
ugoda/ rozliczenie
an arrangement to end a legal dispute before a final adjudication (=decision by a court) of a matter
terms of settlement
začněte se učit
warunki płatności
amounting to
začněte se učit
but to no avail
začněte se učit
ale bezskutecznie
we will have no alternative, but to exercise whatever rights and remedies we have under law to enforce such payment including but not limited to institution of legal proceedings against you to recover the overdue amount, together with accrued interest and legal expenses
začněte se učit
zwrot używany w wezwaniu do zapłaty
including but not limited to
začněte se učit
między innymi
kindly govern yourself accordingly
začněte se učit
uprzejmie zachowaj się odpowiednio
an invoice in question/ at issue
No invoice shall be submitted to Cisco until shipment to Cisco of the items covered by such invoice.
začněte se učit
faktura przedmiotowa
a list of things that have been supplied or work done, together with details of how much money is owed for them
an instalment
The contract called for payment in 10 equal instalments.
začněte se učit
one of the parts into which a debt is divided for payment at agreed times over a specified period of time; a debt divided into periodic partial payments

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