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act on
The Prime Minister said that he would speak to his advisors and then act on their advice.
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do whatever is advised/suggested
act up
The baby has been acting up all day. I think she must be teething.
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behave awkwardly or badly
answer sb back
I was always in trouble for answering back when I was at school.
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respond rudely to sb
answer for
The accused will answer for his actions in the highest court in the land.
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be responsible for
answer to
The plant manager answers directly to the head of the company.
začněte se učit
be under the command of sb
back down
Faced with opposition to his proposal, he had to back down.
začněte se učit
cease to oppose or demand
back out
It's too late to back out of the deal.
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back up
I was prepared to back up her story.
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bear on
The Minister's statement has no bearing on this case.
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be relevant to/affect
bear with
If you can bear with me a little longer, I'll try to explain it.
začněte se učit
be patient

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