Phrasal verbs part 1

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otázka odpověď
plug away
My sister has been plugging away at her homework for hours.
začněte se učit
przysiąść do czegoś, pracować nad czymś
pitch up
Let's wait a bit longer - Fiona hasn't pitched up yet.
začněte se učit
przyjechać, dotrzeć
get behind
I have to stay late today. I don't want to get behind with my work.
začněte se učit
mieć zaległości, zalegać
stamp sth out
It is our duty to stamp out corruption and any abuses of political power.
začněte se učit
tłumić, kończyć z czymś
hang around
We spent most of the time hanging around the bars of London.
začněte se učit
wałęsać się, kręcić się gdzieś
squeeze sb/sth in
I'm very busy this week but I could squeeze a meeting in tomorrow morning.
začněte se učit
wcisnąć kogoś/coś (np. w rozkład dnia)
smooth sth over
My brother is trying to smooth things over between me and our parents.
začněte se učit
poprawiać coś, łagodzić
goof off
She spent the day goofing off instead of working.
začněte se učit
obijać się, unikać pracy
leave sth aside
Leaving aside the cost, taking local transport will allow you to see much more of the country.
začněte se učit
pomiijać coś
sleep through sth
I was so tired that I slept through the second half of the movie.
začněte se učit
przespać coś
carry sth off
She was very nervous about giving a lecture but she carried it off very well.
začněte se učit
poradzić sobie z czymś, odnieść sukces
push forward
They were urged to push forward with their immigration reforms.
začněte se učit
kontynuować, posuwać się naprzód
slope off
I saw Mike sloping off early yesterday!
začněte se učit
zmyć się (np. z pracy)
step in
Chicago police stepped in to keep the peace in the city.
začněte se učit
toss sth away
£30 000 annually is not a sum of money to be tossed away lightly.
začněte se učit
przepuszczać coś (np. pieniądze)

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