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Complete the sentences with an adjective phrase.
She has a quick mind and is good with words. She's (?) začněte se učit
She has a quick mind and is good with words. She's witty.
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He's quite reserved and keeps himself to himself.
She does things without planning. She's začněte se učit
She does things without planning. She's spontaneous.
He doesn't like working alone. He's a začněte se učit
He doesn't like working alone. He's a people person.
She's very, uncomplicated and practical. začněte se učit
She's very down-to-earth, uncomplicated and practical.
začněte se učit
He's fun to be with, a good laugh.
She's definitely a, not at her best late at night. začněte se učit
She's definitely a morning person, not at her best late at night.
He's a real computer - he's always talking about gigabytes and new software. začněte se učit
He's a real computer geek - he's always talking about gigabytes and new software.
What combination of personal qualities below would make a good friend, a good TV talk show host and a good account? začněte se učit
witty, keeps himself to himself, spontaneous, people person, down-to-earth, good laugh, morning person, geek.
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witty, spontaneous, people person, good laugh
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witty, spontaneous, people person, good laugh
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reserved and someone who keeps himself to himself, down-to-earth, uncomplicated and practical, a morning person, a computer geek
Choose a topic from the box and complete the questions. transport, family, travel, shopping, study, fashion.
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How often do you go shopping?
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Have you ever transported a big stone?
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Would you like to know things about fashion?
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Have you travelled a lot in your life?
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Can I ask if you like to study?
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Could you tell me what your family's like?
Do you mind me asking (?) začněte se učit
Do you mind me asking how often you go shopping?
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I was wondering if you have ever transported a big stone.
I'd be interested to know (?) začněte se učit
I'd be interested to know why you have travelled a lot in your life.
začněte se učit
I was wondering if you would like to know things about fashion.
začněte se učit
Complete the conversation with words and phrases from the box. Not all items are needed. over the moon, fascinated, awkward, relieved, impressed, shaking like a leaf, frustrated, wished the earth would swallow me up, made my stomach turn.
Hey, I've got the job! Congratulations! You must be (?) začněte se učit
Hey, I've got the job! Congratulations! You must be over the moon.
Yes, I'm (?) because I thought I'd done badly at the interview, I was so nervous that I was (?) začněte se učit
Yes, I'm relieved because I thought I'd done badly at the interview, I was so nervous that I was shaking like a leaf. relieved; shaking like a leaf
Did the interviewer notice? Well, I spilt my coffee on her. Oh, that's (?) začněte se učit
Did the interviewer notice? Well, I spilt my coffee on her. Oh, that's awkward.
Very embarrassing. At that moment I (?) začněte se učit
Very embarrassing. At that moment I wished the earth would swallow me up. wished the earth would swallow me up
You got the job, so I guess they were (?) with you. začněte se učit
You got the job, so I guess they were impressed with you.
Add very, really, absolutely, totally, completely before the adjectives and adjectives phrases (but not the verb phrases) začněte se učit
Hey, I've got the job! Congratulations! You must be over the moon. začněte se učit
Hey, I've got the job! Congratulations! You must be really over the moon. really/absolutely/totally/completely
Yes, I'm relieved because I thought I'd done badly at the interview, I was so nervous that I was shaking like a leaf. začněte se učit
Yes, I'm very relieved because I thought I'd done badly at the interview, I was so nervous that I was shaking like a leaf.
Did the interviewer notice? Well, I spilt my coffee on her. Oh, that's awkward. začněte se učit
Did the interviewer notice? Well, I spilt my coffee on her. Oh, that's really awkward.
You got the job, so I guess they were impressed with you. začněte se učit
You got the job, so I guess they were very impressed with you.
začněte se učit
Complete the sentences with the present perfect or past simple of the verbs in brackets.
Since I (start) this course, I (improve) my speaking. začněte se učit
Since I started this course, I've improved my speaking.
I (go) to Canada twice but I (not go) to the USA yet.) začněte se učit
I 've gone to Canada twice but I haven't gone to the USA yet.
I (never meet) a real celebrity, but once someone (think) I was one. začněte se učit
I've never meet a real celebrity, but once someone thought I was one.
When I was young, I (play) in a band, and recently I (start) again. začněte se učit
When I was young, I played in a band, and recently I've started again.
I (not eat) breakfast at home this morning, and I also (not have) any coffee yet today. začněte se učit
I didn't eat breakfast at home this morning, and I also haven't had any coffee yet today.
Are any of the sentences above true for you? začněte se učit
Since I started this course, I've improved my speaking.
Rewrite the sentences to make them more polite. začněte se učit
Use the phrases in brackets.
I need some information about train times to Vienna. začněte se učit
I'd like to enquire about train times to Vienna.
Which train do I need to take to get to Vienna by 3 p. m.? začněte se učit
Can you tell me which train I need to take to get to Vienna by 3 p. m.?
How far is it from the western to the southern train station? začněte se učit
Can I ask how far it is from the western to the southern train station?
Where can I get information on local transport in Vienna? začněte se učit
Do you mind me asking where I can get information on local transport in Vienna?
Do I need to book a seat on the train? začněte se učit
I was wondering if/whether I need to book a seat on the train.
začněte se učit
Could you tell me if/whether I can book on the phone?
Could you book it for me? začněte se učit
I was wondering if you could book it for me.
Could you send me an email confirmation? začněte se učit
I'd be grateful if you could send me an email confirmation.
a phone conversation between a travel agent and a customer. Use the sentences above to help you. začněte se učit
A: I'd like to enquire about train times to Glasgow. B: Certainly. What would you like to know? A: Can you tell me what train I need to take to get to Glasgow by 6 p.m., please? B: Let me just check.