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赤字 あかじ deficit; (being in or going into) the red; red text; red letters; corrections (by a teacher or proofreader) written in red
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結成 けっせい formation; combination
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移行 いこう switching over to; migration; transition
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改良 かいりょう improvement; reform
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兵器 へいき arms; weapons; ordnance
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振興 しんこう promotion; encouragement
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実質 じっしつ substance; essence; real (in economics, vs. nominal, e.g. real interest rate); substantive; substantial; essential; tangible
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対決 たいけつ confrontation; showdown
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決議 けつぎ resolution; vote; decision
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結束 けっそく union; unity; solidarity; bundling; binding; tying; putting on (clothes, armour, etc.)
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捜査 そうさ search (esp. in criminal investigations); investigation; inquiry; enquiry
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園 その garden (esp. man-made); orchard; park; plantation; place; location
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妊娠 にんしん conception; pregnancy
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未定 みてい not yet fixed; undecided; pending
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土木 どぼく engineering works; civil engineering; public works
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対話 たいわ dialogue; discussion; conversation; interaction
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構想 こうそう plan; plot; idea; conception
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何より なにより most; best; above all
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日夜 にちや day and night; always
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単独 たんどく sole; single; solo; independence; singleness; singularity
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指摘 してき pointing out; identification
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比率 ひりつ ratio; proportion; percentage
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幹部 かんぶ management; (executive) staff; leaders; leadership; top brass; upper echelons
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用紙 ようし blank form; sheets of paper; sheet of paper
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日頃 ひごろ normally; habitually
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改定 かいてい revision (of a rule, price, etc.); reform; alteration; change
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複合 ふくごう composite; combined; complex
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怒り いかり anger; rage; fury; wrath; indignation
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外相 がいしょう Foreign Minister
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本音 ほんね real intention; motive; true opinion; what one really thinks
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神秘 しんぴ mystery; mysteriousness; secret
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終わる おわる to finish; to end; to close
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確立 かくりつ establishment; settlement; to establish; to settle
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同志 どうし like-mindedness; (being of the) same mind; shared sentiment; comrade; fellow; kindred soul
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閲覧 えつらん inspection; reading; browsing (the WWW, Internet); web browsing
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放出 ほうしゅつ release; emission; ejection
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選考 せんこう selection; screening
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騒動 そうどう strife; riot; rebellion; turmoil; (media) uproar; brouhaha; (public) outcry; scandal; controversy; feud; tussle; quarrel; dispute
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キャリア キャリア career; carrier (disease, signal, warship, etc.); career government employee
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大胆 だいたん bold; daring; audacious
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正当 せいとう just; justifiable; right; due; proper; equitable; reasonable; legitimate; legal; lawful
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迅速 じんそく quick; fast; rapid; swift; prompt; streamlined; expedited; expeditious
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武力 ぶりょく armed might; military power; the sword; force
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話し合い はなしあい discussion; conference
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提携 ていけい cooperation; tie-up; joint business; link-up; sponsorship
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診療 しんりょう diagnosis and treatment; medical care
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制裁 せいさい restraint; sanctions; punishment
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健全 けんぜん health; soundness; wholesome
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視野 しや field of vision; outlook
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野党 やとう opposition party; political opposition; opposition
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鮮やか あざやか vivid; bright; brilliant; clear; fresh; vibrant; skillful; skilful; adept; adroit; deft; brilliant; beautiful; fine; excellent
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意欲 いよく will; desire; ambition; urge (e.g. creative urge)
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活発 かっぱつ vigor; vigour; active; lively
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権力 けんりょく (political) power; authority; influence
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還元 かんげん reduction; resolution; deoxidization; deoxidation; restoration; return
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革新 かくしん reform; innovation
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軽減 けいげん abatement; reduction
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協調 きょうちょう cooperation; conciliation; harmony; firm (market) tone
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排除 はいじょ exclusion; removal; rejection; elimination; abatement; lifting (sanctions, etc.)
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削減 さくげん cut; reduction; curtailment
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精密 せいみつ precise; exact; detailed; minute; close
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決断 けつだん decision; determination
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交付 こうふ delivering; handing over; furnishing (e.g. with copies); issuance; issuing
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信任 しんにん trust; confidence; credence
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打撃 だげき blow; shock; strike; damage; batting
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特有 とくゆう characteristic (of); peculiar (to)
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運命 うんめい fate; destiny; lot
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柱 はしら pillar; post; support; prop; mainstay; counter for buddhas, gods, nobles, etc.
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問う とう to ask; to inquire; to charge (e.g. with a crime); to accuse; without regard to; to not matter; to call into question; to doubt; to question
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領土 りょうど dominion; territory; possession
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配慮 はいりょ consideration; concern; forethought
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拡散 かくさん scattering; diffusion; spread (e.g. signal across the spectrum)
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核 かく pit (of a fruit); stone; core; nucleus; nuclear; nuclear weaponry
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業績 ぎょうせき achievement; performance; results; work; contribution
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兼用 けんよう multi-use; combined use; combination; serving two purposes
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転換 てんかん conversion; diversion; changeover; commutation; switchover
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血管 けっかん blood vessel; vein
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従業員 じゅうぎょういん employee; worker
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好調 こうちょう favourable; favorable; promising; satisfactory; in good shape
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会談 かいだん conversation; conference (usu. between important people); discussion; interview
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成年 せいねん adult age; majority
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果たして はたして as was expected; just as one thought; sure enough; as a result; really? (in questions); ever?
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共和 きょうわ republican; cooperative
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年寄り としより old people; the aged; trustee of the Japan Sumo Association; retired high-ranking wrestler who is licensed to coach and receives retirement pay;
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待遇 たいぐう treatment; reception; remuneration; salary; payment; compensation package
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