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The most common way to access the internet is through an Internet Service Provider (ISP)
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to find and use information, especially on a computer
You can access your voicemail remotely. aceder [informação, um site], abrir [um documento]
a request to the public for money, information, or help
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an urgent request for something important
The police made an appeal for eye wittnesses. apelo
Go ahead and "appeal to a higher authority". But you know Mommy rarely overrules me.
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to make a serious public request for help, money, information etc
Famers have appealed to the government for help. fazer um apelo, apelar
You will respect my authority
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the power that a leader, government, etc has
Which country has authority over these islands? autoridade
Robbery kidnapping pickpockting snatch thief stealing abduction bank heist burglary assault murder arson extortion car thief
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illegal activities in general
There was very little crime when we moved here. crime, criminalidade
cure n
It seems that almost everybody you meet has a cure for the common cold - except your doctor. (Mckenzie)
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a medicine or treatment which makes an illness or injury better
Scientists are trying to find a cure for cancer. cura, remédio
cure v
have depression. People have it worse than you. Get it over. I'm cured. Ha ha ha ha ha
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to make an illness or injury better
This type of cancer can be cured. curar, reparar
data, information, knowledge and wisdom, in a nutshell (Gordon Rugg). Data: pieces of reality that we measure.
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information or facts
He's collecting data for his report. dados
She's in a lot of debt to the bank.
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if you have debts, or if you are in debt, you owe money to someone
decrease v
Crime in urban areas decreased by 30% last year.
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to become less, or to make something do this
diminuir, reduzir, cair
decrease n
Teachers report a decrease in verbal abuse.
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the process of becoming less, or the amount by which something becomes less
redução, queda
delay n
There are long delays on the motorway.
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when you have to wait for something to happen, or the time you have to wait
demora, atraso
delay v
Bad weather conditions have delayed our flight by two hours.
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to stop something from happening when it should
adiar, atrasar, demorar
She suffers from a rare disease of the blood.
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an illness which affects a person, animal, or plant
There has been a disturbing increase in crime.
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worrying or upsetting
preocupante, perturbador
Police are investigating a serious case of domestic violence against a young woman.
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relating to family relationships and life at home
domestic violence
Domestic violence is a hidden problem.
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violence in a family, especially from a husband to his wife
violência doméstica
The biggest drought in a decade continues to affect people living in western Africa.
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a long period of dry weather when there is not enough water
drug abuse
Drug abuse is still a big problem in the poorer areas of the city.
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the practice of taking illegal drugs, especially in dangerous amounts
abuso de drogas
Earthquakes are not common in this part of the world.
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a sudden shaking of the earth's surface that often causes a lot of damage
What do you think of the government’s current economic policy?
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relating to trade, industry, and the management of money
It would not be ethical to lie to them.
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connected with principles of what is
fine v
He was fined for speeding.
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to make someone pay money as a punishment
fine n
She was ordered to pay £150 in parking fines.
začněte se učit
money that you have to pay as a punishment
Their homes were washed away by floods.
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a very large amount of water that covers an area that is usually dry
The global economy seems to be recovering slowly but surely.
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affecting or including the whole world
I didn't know the answer, but I had a guess anyway.
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an answer you give or a decision you make without being sure whether you are right
guess v
I guessed her age correctly.
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to answer a question or to decide something without being sure whether you are right
The thing that shocked me the most about the country was the level of homelessness.
začněte se učit
the problem of people having nowhere to live
homeless sem abrigo, desalojado
Thousands of people are dying from hunger every day.
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lack of food, especially for a long period of time, that can cause illness or death
fome, necessidade de comer
hurry n
Sorry, I can't stop to chat - I'm in a hurry!
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going somewhere or doing something quickly
hurry v
I hate having to hurry a meal.
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to go somewhere or do something quickly
correr, apressar-se, apressar
She was unable to identify her attacker.
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to recognize someone or something and say correctly who or what they are
It's illegal to park here.
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not allowed by law
What do you think was the most important invention of the Industrial Revolution?
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relating to industry or the people working in it
invasion of privacy
I think that having CCTV on our streets is a complete invasion of privacy.
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a situation in which someone tries to find out details about another person's private affairs in a way that is upsetting and often illegal
invasão de privacidade
He’s got a very irresponsible attitude to his work.
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doing things that are not sensible, without thinking about the possible bad results
keep track of
I can never keep track of how old their kids are.
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to know the present state or position of something, when it keeps changing
controlar alguma coisa, acompanhar alguma coisa
The landslide was caused by two weeks of heavy rain.
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a sudden fall of a lot of earth or rocks down a hill, cliff, etc.
deslizamento de terras
lie n
there is a "lie" in believe "over" in lover "end" in friend "us" in trust "ex" in next and "if" in life
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something that you say to someone that you know is not true
She never told a lie in her life. mentira
lie v
I'm not going to lie to you. This is going to hurt.
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to tell someone something that you know is not true
I would never lie to you. mentir
Use coaching tools to monitor results
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to carefully watch or measure something to see how it changes over a period of time
Your manager will closely monitor your progress. (em informática, medicina, etc.) monitor; monitorizar, controlar escutar [transmissões de rádio, ligações telefónicas]
BMI or Body Mass Index commonly used value to define obesity.
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when someone is very fat in a way that is unhealthy
One of the biggest health problems in the UK is obesity. obesidade
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very shocking or bad
The price of petrol these days is absolutely outrageous! absurdo, extravagante, escandaloso
permit v
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to allow something to happen or someone to do something
Dogs are only permitted if they are on a lead. permitir
permit n
Do I need a permit?
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the official piece of paper that allows it to happen or be done
You need a permit to park your car here. autorização
The Political spectrum is a way of classifying different political positions on a sets of axes – usually seen on one x-axis going from left (liberal) to right (conservative).
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relating to the government, politics, and public affairs of a country
Education is now a major political issue. político, politizado
Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into the natural environment that causes adverse change.
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damage caused to air, water, soil, etc by harmful chemicals and waste
The government wants to reduce pollution in cities by 2020. poluição
Condition where people's basic needs for food, clothing, and shelter are not being met. Poverty is generally of two types: absolute poverty and relative poverty
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when people are extremely poor
Poverty and unemployment are increasing. pobreza
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when someone is stopped from doing something or when something is stopped from happening
The crime prevention in our town is quickly improving. prevenção, prevenção da criminalidade
project n
Steps in developing a project: 1. Purposing 2. Planning 3. Execution 4. Judging
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a piece of work that is carefully planned and done over a period of time, or to
The scientists have just begun a three- year research project. projeto, trabalho, plano
project v
Project Initiation Project definition Project planning Detailed planning Project execution Monitoring and control Project Closure Project Review
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to calculate what something will be in the future, using the information you have now
The company projected an annual growth rate of 3%. projetar, prever
queue n
People Patiently Waiting on a Queue
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a line of people or vehicles waiting for something
There was a long queue outside the cinema. fila, bicha
queue v
Please queue here
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to wait in a line waiting for something
We had to queue for hours to get tickets to this concert! fazer fila
Burden of Proof Chart: An Examination of Proof Beyond a Reasonable Doubt
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fair and sensible
There must be a reasonable explanation for his behaviour. justificado reasonable {adj.} PT razoável sensato racional módico comedido
Asafa Powell celebrates after setting the new world record in the 100 metres at the IAAF
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the fastest speed, longest distance, highest or lowest level etc that has ever been achieved or reached
Who holds the world record for the men's 100-metre sprint? registo, recorde
record v
But, there's no call recording feature present in the App yet. In this post I'am going to explain about How to Record Whatsapp calls
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to store music, sound, television programmes etc on a disc or tape so that people can listen to them or watch them again
The band just recorded their new album. registar, anotar, gravar
In general, a rural area or countryside is a geographic area that is located outside towns and cities.
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relating to or happening in the country rather than in the city
The country's rural areas have been the worst affected by the disaster. rural
shout v
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to say something very loudly
There's no need to shout. I can hear you! grito, pregão
shout n
Red is a shout Red is a signal that says "Whatch out!"
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a loud call expressing anger, pain, excitement etc
I phoned the police when I heard shouting. gritar, berrar
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to put things in a special place and keep them there
All my old clothes are stored in the loft. guardar, pôr de reserva, armazenar
street crime
Street crimes like snatching of mobiles phones, cars, gold ornaments etc.
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illegal activities which happen in a public place
The level of street crime has gone down since last year. street rua; criminalidade de rua, crimes nas ruas
the careful watching of a person or place, especially by the police or army, because of a crime that has happened or is expected
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when someone is being watched, for example by the police or by doctors
Police have the man under surveillance. vigilância
test n
Want to remember? Take a test!
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questions or activities which measure someone's skill or knowledge
We've got a maths test tomorrow. teste ensaio exame prova
test v
začněte se učit
to measure someone's skill or knowledge by giving them questions or activities to do
We're being tested on grammar tomorrow. testar provar experimentar
Why Do We Tip?
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an additional amount of money you give to a person who has provided you with a service
The service at the restaurant was excellent, so I gave the waiter a big tip. gratificação, gorjeta
tip v
Tipping Etiquette Around the World - Exactly What to Tip (Or Better, Not Tip)
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to give an additional amount of money to a person who has provided you with a service
You should always tip people in the USA. dar gorjeta
Looking for a job Hire me!
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when someone does not have a job, or the number of people who do not have a job
Many workers now face unemployment. desemprego
It's only unethical if you get caught.
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morally wrong
The scientists have been charged with unethical medical practices. antiético
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in or relating to a town or city
There is still a lot of crime in the city's urban areas. urbano
volcanic eruption
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when a volcano sends out smoke, fire, and rock
Why would people choose to live where volcanic eruptions are frequent? erupção vulcânica

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